[SOLVED] 1070 issues


Aug 31, 2013
Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my old 770 to a brand spanking new 1070 (Gigabyte edition), but I'm not entirely happy with its performance and was wondering whether my expectations were too high or might there be an issue with the card.

Firstly, the FPS - the most graphically demanding games I have are The Witcher 3 & Forza 4. I was expecting the former to maintain stable 60fps at ultra (I use 60hz 1080p monitor) and around 50+ on the latter. In reality TW3 shows between 50-60 and sometimes dips to 30-ish with hairworks switched off. Forza maintained low 40s. Is this reasonable? I don't think my 16GB of ram or i7 4770 would be bottle-necking.

Secondly, at random intervals, for a very brief period of time I get black screen, as if the monitor lost the connection with the graphics card. That only happens to me a few times and each time it was while in desktop, so no load going through the card.

Lastly, at full load, the card gets really noisy with a buzzing sound. It's not the fans, as I manually switched them to full rpm when in desktop and there was no sound, it only appears under gaming stress.

Also, I've done all the basic checks, like driver update, ensure the card sits fully in PCI slot and power connectors were inserted fully etc.

Any suggestions would be welcome.
I had this black screen issue - and low FPS - when I switched from a GTX 970 to a 1070ti.

Completely remove all NVidia drivers from device manager. Reboot. Reinstall the latest Nvidia driver.

You should be seeing more FPS than that in Forza - mine runs smoothly @ 60 FPS. I haven't tried Witcher lately.

3700x/32 GB DDR4/1070ti FWIW, but I had the 1070 matched with my old 3770k and it did fine in every game but the latest Tomb Raider there.
I had this black screen issue - and low FPS - when I switched from a GTX 970 to a 1070ti.

Completely remove all NVidia drivers from device manager. Reboot. Reinstall the latest Nvidia driver.

You should be seeing more FPS than that in Forza - mine runs smoothly @ 60 FPS. I haven't tried Witcher lately.

3700x/32 GB DDR4/1070ti FWIW, but I had the 1070 matched with my old 3770k and it did fine in every game but the latest Tomb Raider there.
I had this black screen issue - and low FPS - when I switched from a GTX 970 to a 1070ti.

Completely remove all NVidia drivers from device manager. Reboot. Reinstall the latest Nvidia driver.

You should be seeing more FPS than that in Forza - mine runs smoothly @ 60 FPS. I haven't tried Witcher lately.

3700x/32 GB DDR4/1070ti FWIW, but I had the 1070 matched with my old 3770k and it did fine in every game but the latest Tomb Raider there.
This seems to have helped with FPS & blackouts (although I didn't have a lot of time for testing since yesterday) - the noise settles after a few minutes so I might message the manufacturer directly about this.
Thanks for the help.