1070 or 980ti

Neither are bad choices.

The 1070 is a little better raw performer, and is cheaper when comparing a "new" 1070 and "new old stock" 980TI.

If you're looking at a used 980TI and it's substantially cheaper than a new 1070, then it's definitely not a bad option either.

If everything else is equal (price, condition etc), then a 1070 is the better card.
Neither are bad choices.

The 1070 is a little better raw performer, and is cheaper when comparing a "new" 1070 and "new old stock" 980TI.

If you're looking at a used 980TI and it's substantially cheaper than a new 1070, then it's definitely not a bad option either.

If everything else is equal (price, condition etc), then a 1070 is the better card.

Personally I would never buy used computer parts, at all.
While I posted this, i read many threads on multiple websites and they are all saying what you say!
Thank you very much :)

Would I have to worry about bottlenecking with my cpu?

Both are a bit "too much" for 1080p.... but no way would I call them "about equal in performance"... at least not "out of the box".


However, the 1070, like all x70s is intentionally gimped" so as not to compete to well with the 1080.

The 980 Ti on the other hand, depending upon which one you pick, can overclock as much as 31% ... the 1070s about 15.1% ... so when both are overclocked, it's much closer

MSI 1070 Gaming X = (100% x 115.1 / 100) = 115.1
Gigabyte 980 Ti G1 Windforce = 85% x (131.4 / 100) = 11.7

As for "bottlenecking", it's probably the most misused term next to "future proof".... It wouldn't even bottleneck a Sandy bridge 2500k from 2011.


I've read on a lot of reddit and even threads on here saying that this cpu will 'Botteleneck" both these cards.
I'm so puzzled now :I

I agree with you on this, but like I have said in the thread, so many people on other threads have said it "bottlenecks", thats why im asking here.

ive not seen that. most of the benchmarks i look at the 1070 wins. not heard a bad thing about it.
Bottleneck is a completely overused & misunderstood term.

For one, by the standard definition (one component holding A.N.Other component back to some degree), every system has some form of 'bottlneck'.
It's whether you'd notice it in real world use, outside of benchmarks.

A relatively modern i5* @ a decent clock speed won't limit a 1070 or 980TI in any way at 1080p. Neither card are likely to hit 100% utilization at that resolution.
*I wouldn't necessarily agree a 2500K wouldn't hold back a 1070 in some situations, at least at stock. A healthy OC on a 2500K though, and even it would keep up.

On the bottleneck topic.... *technically* the monitor would be the bottleneck. An i5 paired with a 1070 wouldn't be likely to hit their 'sweet spot' of ~100% utilization on both unless gaming at 1440p.

@JackNaylor, curious - was the "about equal" comment a response to my post? I used the word 'equal' but not in the 'about equal' context.

I tend to keep my cpu at 3.5 instead of overclocking, if that makes any difference.

Thank god im asking, I never even knew that lol.

So in the end, you would say a 1070 then?

Thanks for your help man!

I feel like such an idiot, since none of these threads had any of that.



No, want in response to any particular post but just what is often posted... usually we see it stated for example that the 970 is "about equal to the 780" ... in other words when the generation goes up one level, it's about equal to dropping one from the next digit. So carrying forward ..

Going +1 here from 9xx to 10xx ... its about the same as dropping (-1) from x80 to x70

The 1070 is a bit different as it's more than 50% faster than it's predecessor and a single 1070 is faster than two 970s in SLI .... It kind makes anything bigger irrelevant as:

a) It's all ya need at 1440p ... Only Crysis 3 manages to keep the 1070 below 60 fps (52) ... two other games are at 58-59 woich ya can easily get past with a minor OC

b) Nothing is ready for 4K as 4K isn't ready for 4k since we can't get over 60 Hz

b) Nothing is ready for 4K as since we can't get over 60 fps in many games... IIRC, just 2 games in TPU's 16 game test suite manage 60 fps.