1070 struggling when it shouldn't


May 19, 2016
My brand new system (G1 1070, i5 6500, 16gb ddr4, 750w PSU) is experiencing issues in games where it shouldn't (stuttering in bf1 on highest settings, can only run gta 5 in 60fps on normal/high settings), latency-mon shows "your system appears to be having trouble handling real-time audio and other tasks..." I've already uninstalled and re-installed drivers and made sure my GPU was in correct slot. What can I do to get my system running properly?

Pretty sure cpu = 3.2 and gpu = 1.59GHz

I posted a link to my current build which shows this

Those are the speeds your components are designed to run at. Can you verify they are actually running at those speeds when you're gaming? You said your system isn't running like it should, so one of the first steps is to confirm whether it's operating up to spec or not.

sorry but how exactly would I find out what speeds they're running at?

cpu is running at around 3300 mhz according to cpu-z, gpu jumps around at 1594 and 759

Temp is only at around 48c, I think my problem is that I'm running a 32inch 720p monitor at 1280x720 res.
could this be the reason why I'm experiencing issues? would using a smaller monitor at a different resolution benefit me substantially?

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