1080 hybrid and h100iv2


May 8, 2017
I'd like to fit a EVGA GTX 1080 hybrid and a Corsair h100i v2 in a case to make a beast of a system. I have a nzxt s340 and I'm wondering if the rads will fit in this case comfortably. If anyone has a similar setup/config please aid me in this water-cooled fiasco...
That case has one 120mm mount on the back, one 120mm mount atop, and some apparent (and assumed) x2 120mm mount afront. That cooler uses a 240x120mm radiator that won't fit anywhere inside besides the front, and it won't fit in the front unless you remove the filter and do some very creative wiring. Even then, the front looks apparently.. protected by a large metal plate. So, even if it fit there, it wouldn't do much good. It's best to either use a higher-end air cooler or a 120mm AIO. Here's what I suggest: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835288007&cm_re=120MM_aio-_-35-288-007-_-Product

And it looks like you'll have enough length to fit that GPU.

What case would you suggest?

Sorry to bother you once more with my noobance, but do you think the phanteks enthoo evolv atx would house the h100iv2 and the 1080 hybrid well. Even with the hoses and what not?