1080 P 60fps Machine {high settings} HDMI


Dec 20, 2014
AMD FX6350 3.9 4.2ghz CPU
Nvidia GTX 760 2GB GPU
Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 Motherboard
8GB Kingston DDR3 1600MHZ RAM

Just wondering wether this would be any good at all I know nothing and would like to know whether this would be worth the purchase .Would it have any issues like bottlenecking or so on?
At the moment if you can do without spending £££ on a pc thats probably your best bet,wait for intel and amd to bring out the next generation cpu. Theres a few things to know before buying a pc at the moment and I`ll list them below.
1. core for core they are weaker then intels fastest I5`s but a FX8350 can be overclocked to around 5Ghz which makes them more evenly match,to do this you have to have a decent cooling system i.e. water cooler custom or a aio (corsair h100) or equiverlent and a decent mobo. The I5`s can also be overclocked.
2. Amd mobos only come with pci-e 2.0 slot not like intels mobo which have the 3.0 versions,this will start to cause a problem as gpu`s are start to hit the limit of 2.0(think they are just about...


May 22, 2004

The cpu is a limiting factor with new games they would benefit from a 8core cpu and the ram on a fx can run at 1866 fsb. At the moment with 4k monitors coming in intel do the extreme 6-8 core cpu but are very expensive at this moment in time. It depends on what you want the pc to do? but it`s swings and roundabouts. any more ???? post back.


Dec 20, 2014

Im looking to be able to play most fairly new games at 1080p 60fps on High settings.

What would you recommend I change?


May 22, 2004
At the moment if you can do without spending £££ on a pc thats probably your best bet,wait for intel and amd to bring out the next generation cpu. Theres a few things to know before buying a pc at the moment and I`ll list them below.
1. core for core they are weaker then intels fastest I5`s but a FX8350 can be overclocked to around 5Ghz which makes them more evenly match,to do this you have to have a decent cooling system i.e. water cooler custom or a aio (corsair h100) or equiverlent and a decent mobo. The I5`s can also be overclocked.
2. Amd mobos only come with pci-e 2.0 slot not like intels mobo which have the 3.0 versions,this will start to cause a problem as gpu`s are start to hit the limit of 2.0(think they are just about there now with nvidia`s 900 cards)
3. The fsb on fx8350 is set to handle 1866 and I think Intel`s run of the mill I5 and I7 are only 1600(not the extreme versions)
4. Cost where you can buy a intel i5 4670k for about £165 and amd fx 9350 can be had for £125 (prices from Amazon)
5. steer clear of I7 cpu extra cost but no real performance gain for gaming.
6. I think the AMD fx cpu`s are coming to the end of their life as they need to get more performance from each clock cycle,I don`t think overclocking to 6ghz is gonna happen soon (just my view). With newer game using more cores the I5 is stuck at a max of four cores at the moment mayble Intel will bring out a 8 core £300 version.

At the moment I`m running a 8350 @4.2Ghz with a amd r9 280 and it plays all the games I play at 1080p with no real slowdowns but I`m playing crysis 2 and company of hereos 2,I will get to newer games. I was speaking to a chap on here and he built a fx8350 and a r9 280x and was very happy with it and was playing watchdogs,I think max out.

(It kills me to say)All in all just for playing games that only require 4 cores I think it has to go to intel with the way things stand,you should get the fastest I5 you can get with a decent gpu and 8-16gig of ram, don`t scrimp on a cheap psu as you really do get what you pay for and it powers everything. Get it all as cheap as possible and save your £££ for the next gen.