1080 PSU question


Mar 19, 2017
Hi everyone, I’m looking to upgrade my current system which currently holds a g4600 and a gtx 1050 to 7600 and a 1080. I have an EVGA psu in my system now. Here is a link to it https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zNK7YJ/evga-power-supply-100b10500kr

I know there are threads similar to this one and I believe 500w is technically safe for a 1080 card.. but I see many people say 500 is only good enough if the psu is of decent quality... Is this a good enough power supply or am I risking damage to my parts if I don’t upgrade it?
I would suggest eventually replacing your PSU with a more effiecnt/ better Tier one,since you will be using a GTX 1080.Altough i guess you won't damage any of your components by running it with this one for some time.