1080 with Acer predator 34 inch


Dec 4, 2016

First time poster but long time reader!

I am putting together a nice new gaming pc.
For my graphics card, i am going for the MSI GTX 1080 gaming X8
coupled with an I7-6700k 4.0 mghz processor.

I am also looking to buy a new monitor and my eye fell upon the Acer predator X34A.

Since this is a 34 inch monitor with 3440 x 1440 resolution.
I was wondering if my graphics card will be able to run my games (BF1 and other shooters) on its full potential. Meaning every setting maxed out..

If not i was thinking to go with a smaller monitor.
But i would like this question answerred before i purchase

Thx in advance for your comments
It won't be able to maintain 100 fps at all times in every game on ultra settings but it does pretty well at that resolution. Playing BF1 I have seen some drops to high 70's but it usually stays in the 90 - 100 range without issues. G sync does well in covering up the small drops in frame rate so it isn't really noticeable.
Thanks for the response!

Yh as long as it would stay above 60 fps.. i would be quite happy!
I feel neither of the 2 (gpu and monitor) would be worth buying if they dont deliver and you have to make compromises immediatly.
When i buy a new system, I at least for 6 months want to be able to max everything out without noticable FPS loss.. 🙂 I'm kinda sad that way

But i do think this system put together( with all the other specs beeing on par) will give me much pleasure!