1080p Budget GPU

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Filipe Mata

Mar 10, 2015
R9 380 - 200€ The 4GB version is about 250€
Gtx 960 - 200€ The 4GB version is 225€
Gtx 750Ti - 125€-140€

Also pretty important, is this GPU the 750Ti or the 750, and well does it perform against other 750Ti.
At 70€ this is a steal if it is a 750Ti.

So r9 380 wins against the 960, but 960 as lower TDP. Which one do you think it's better in Sli or crossfire config?? Temperatures, noise and OC capability, would like some info about those too.


Yup, the GTX 750 ti is one of the best low budget options out there :bounce:
And the "sell 2 a friend" idea is great.

However, at 180€, the 950 is still great, as stated above.
Why not EVGA GTX 950 FTW? it is only $150 on Newegg right now, and has better performance than the R9 380 and the 750ti, and better performance against the 960 in some cases because of its heavy factory overclock. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487159&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
The 200 euro 2GB GTX 960. Not really a wise budget option those 4GB models.

Quite clearly he doesn't seem to be from the US, so Newegg not an option. However the GTX 950 in general could be an option for sure.

the gtx 950 starts at 180€ in my country , so not a good option

oh ok :ouch: I cri every tiem


So the gtx 950 as i already say isn't a good option in my country.
However the gtx 750 for 70€ is a great option if it is a gtx 750Ti. And if i want to upgrade i could sell to a friend, it's a great GPU

AMD you're not welcome.
Tear Drops, love team red but they don't get their stuff right i think xD

Yup, the GTX 750 ti is one of the best low budget options out there :bounce:
And the "sell 2 a friend" idea is great.

However, at 180€, the 950 is still great, as stated above.

Do you know if there will be a gtx 960 ti? and will it be realeased?

Thinking about buying the 750ti and then get a 960Ti,

Don't get your hopes up for the 960Ti. The 960 already uses a full GM206 chip, and the PR hell last year would dictate that a cut down GTX970 would be limited to 3GB VRAM. Kinda awkward spot to be in, above a 4GB card, and below a 3.5GB card
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