1080p Freesync vs 1440p Gsync


I have upgraded my PC and my last 2 pieces of the puzzle are the monitor and the GPU. my rig:
i5-6600K @ 4.5GHz
16GB DDR4 2400
Gigabyte Z170 Gaming 5
GTX 660 2GB
27" BenQ 1080p/60Hz monitor (VGA/DVI/HDMI)

I am torned between the choice of Gsync vs Freesync. I have the budget for any part but that doesn't mean I have to throw money away and get the latest and greatest.
My question:
a) remain at 1080p gaming with a RX480 and a 23'' IPS 75Hz freesync monitor ( http://www.lg.com/hk_en/monitor/lg-23MP68VQ-P ) total cost: $470
b) make the jump to 1440p with a GTX 1070 and an ASUS Rog Swift PG278Q I can get from a friend for a discount. total cost: $900

I play both on console and PC. I have a projector for the PS4, so I don't really need to plug it to my monitor. The games that I play on PC are: WOW, Overwatch, CS:GO and Shadow of Mordor. I have never played above 60Hz and never owned an AMD card.

Is 1440p/144Hz/1ms worth the $430?
I would go for option b. You'll never have regrets in terms of performance and wow factor. Going from 1080p to 1440p is great. But adding on the ability to hit 100fps in games like CS are to die for. Yes, it costs more but if you are willing to consider it then I'd do it. Personally, I won't go back to 1080p or non FreeSync / G-sync monitor.

I thought 60fps was enough but when I play FPS games I really benefit when I hit 80-100fps. It is more fluid. Bite down on your lip and get the 1070 and PG278Q.
I would go for option b. You'll never have regrets in terms of performance and wow factor. Going from 1080p to 1440p is great. But adding on the ability to hit 100fps in games like CS are to die for. Yes, it costs more but if you are willing to consider it then I'd do it. Personally, I won't go back to 1080p or non FreeSync / G-sync monitor.

I thought 60fps was enough but when I play FPS games I really benefit when I hit 80-100fps. It is more fluid. Bite down on your lip and get the 1070 and PG278Q.
Here is the thing.
Nvidia introduced the Fast Sync with pascal. It works very well with any monitor. So basically you don't really need the G-Sync (at least I can't tell the difference between playing on G-Sync monitor vs standard monitor with Fast Sync enabled in Nvidia control panel).
IMHO, for 400-500$ you can get 3440x1440 34" @75Hz monitor. That's really awesome experience. And the GPU option will be 1070 - amazing card BTW.
Yes of course its worth to buy if you will play GPU wanted games like Crysis 3, Watch dogs or next gent games
1440p is more likely detail and 144Hz is more fps and 1ms is how fast screen can display frames. you could have great gaming experience in 27" 1440p GSync gaming.
GTX 1070 is nice choice for 1440p resolution. If you have a money then go for this.

Don't downgrade your monitor size you already have 27" if you buy and 23" naahhh just my opinion

Isn't Fast Sync only useful when hitting or going above the monitor refresh rate? 3440x1440 would make this all more expensive and I'm not sure the games I play would benefit that much from it.

I don't play crysis or watch dogs, but I do love the looks of that ROG Swift. I saw it in the store a couple of days ago and it looked awesome even next to an IPS display.

yeah, that is exactly what i was worried about.. going for the cheap solution and then regretting not going for what I really wanted in the first place.

will purchase the PG278Q for $430 :)
Short answer: Probably no.

Long answer:

Going to high refresh rates > 60Hz only would make sense if you actually are able to take it. Part of humanity is simply not, part can train themselves to be able able to get sensitivity of few more fps more and few can do that natively... (For example I am completely unable to tell difference above ~35Hz, so I am more than comfortable with 60Hz screen).

Going down to 23" from 27" you won't like. And there are two factors... If you wear glasses or have weaker eyes in general, bigger screen with lower resolution can actually be better for you. In that case 27"@1080p > 27"@1440p > 23"@1080p. If your eyes are good, then 27"@1440p > 27"@1080p.

And then performance case:
RX 480 @ 1080p is in general comfortable at going to 75ish frames per second (and hopefully should be for some time)
GTX 1070 @ 1440p is in general not comfortable at going to solid 144ish fps, but for a decent time should be able to go decently high above 75fps

From your gaming list I assume you are not a person claiming "I can see 1ms difference", but still can gain from decent, but not super high fps. In that case being you I'd keep current 27" screen and get GTX 1070 for solid long term 60FPS (combine tripple buffering and vertical sync for now), you can save and later get good and fast 1440p IPS screen with G-Sync with which you'll still have high above 60FPS.

Most pple I know and have experience both with FreeSync and G-Sync claim G-Sync seems to give a little bit better results (that bit though is definitely not that big go justify $430 more unless you have very fat wallet).

Yeah but Gsync is disabled once you hit the monitors max refresh rate.
Also the LG monitor is 75Hz so it will be within Freesync range.

Same goes true for the G-Sync, free sync and all other variants of sync.
the only advantage of the G-Sync, V-Sync over Fast Sync, that the card will not run at full speed all the time, but only at power required to provide the FPS equal to monitor's refresh rate.
I'm not sure what games you are playing, but almost all of them will benefit from the ultra wide - better FOV for shooters and racing games, more space for RPG and RTS. and it does not really make it more expensive if you pick 75Hz monitor.

If you love ROG Swift then you made your decision 😀 Enjoy your upgrade

getting a GTX 1070 and keep my current monitor was my initial plan. just my friend offering that monitor for $310 cheaper than what they currently sell here is what got all this into my head.
so you recommend getting the card first and save for the PG279Q?
The 1070 is such a great card. I bought my 980ti for $700 9months ago...and now a $450/500 gpu performs the same 🙁

I suggest saving and getting the ASUS ROG monitor...but which one? PG279Q (IPS panel) or PG278Q (TN panel) ? The TN one should sell for less and lots of used ones on the market.

If he sells it for $310 cheaper it's an obvious choice tbh... that's about a third of it's price (compared to store @ my location). Imho go for it.

yeah the price here (Taiwan) is $750 and he is selling it for $440 with warrantly until Oct.2017. Thing is i don't think I can buy both GPU and monitor right away. might have to buy 1 first and the other 2-3 months later.
Well, you'll have to play on lower resolution/lower details but pragmatic point of view says it's the best gain... you save $310 on screen and then you probably save a bit on graphics (plus there will be more mature drivers and support in games either way). Imo if you could endure with GTX660 until now those 2-3 months are nothing.

yeah initial plan was GTX1070 and later down the road the IPS screen (PG279Q).
that offer really changed my mind and I really wanted to take advantage of it which would help me save money down the road (I have enough funds but an angry wife lol). also I looked at that new screen from LG and thought about going cheapo.

^ absolutely true.
you can continue to game the same way you do now for the couple of month.
I'm too waiting for the holidays sales to get my 21:9 for a decent price. I'd wait to buy GPU too, but my beloved GTX 570 has died after 6 years of abuse.
So I'm almost crying since all the games I play are 150-200 FPS with maxed out settings on my 1920x1200 monitor 🙁

that would be awesome. PM your Line ID or whatsapp....