1080p or 1440p Monitor for 1070


Jul 27, 2016
I just recently bought my Asus strix OC edition 1070 GPU and I'm wondering what monitor I should get. Here is my build http://pcpartpicker.com/list/QbpzNN and the first 2 monitors are for 1080p and those are my choices and the next 2 are for 1440p, they are subject to change. I am only getting 1 monitor but that is what i have slimmed it down to.

1. I want at least 60fps in gaming with all the settings at max or at least max on most games
2. Dont know if a TN or IPS panel would be better
3. I only have enough money for either a 1440p 4ms 60 hertz or a 1080p 144 hertz 1ms (350 MAX)

Thanks for your help, Krazy
Depends on what you want more, higher resolution or higher refresh rate, the 1070 can do one or the other. The 1070 is pretty much overkill for 1080p 60Hz , so if you want to stay at that resolution, go for a 144Hz monitor. If you want more resolution, 1440p is an option, but you won't get much more than 60FPS on more demanding titles, so having a higher refresh rate at 1440p might be moot unless you plan on doing SLI or are playing less graphically demanding games.
Depends on what you want more, higher resolution or higher refresh rate, the 1070 can do one or the other. The 1070 is pretty much overkill for 1080p 60Hz , so if you want to stay at that resolution, go for a 144Hz monitor. If you want more resolution, 1440p is an option, but you won't get much more than 60FPS on more demanding titles, so having a higher refresh rate at 1440p might be moot unless you plan on doing SLI or are playing less graphically demanding games.

So you're saying for the 1070 it comes down to higher refresh rate or higher resolution. Like for me I have 1080 @ 60 off my budget. I get stead 100fps for lets say Shadow of Mordor. If I were to upgrade to 1440p then I will likely suffer in framerate drop ?
1440p is 78% more pixels than 1080p so you would get a lower framerate than you would at 1080p. The 1070 is still very capable of holding 60FPS at 1440p so if you have a 1440p 60Hz display, you're in a good position. At 1080p the GTX 1070 tends to get 100+FPS in most games provided you aren't hitting a CPU bottleneck and as such tends to be overkill for a 1080p 60Hz display, you need a 144Hz monitor to really take advantage of the higher framerate.
I would go for the BenQ GW2765HT 27.0" 1440p 60Hz Monitor.
Above everything else you will appreciate the resolution jump, also in the future you can turn down settings and you will find they are less noticeable than at 1080p. you will also enjoy the screen when not gaming, you will feel that you have a totally new PC and at 27'' is the perfect size for 1440p.