1080p TV vs 1440p ultrawide monitor


Feb 3, 2016
Hi, I have a 50' plasma (Samsung PN51F8500) for gaming but am considering switching to an ultrawide monitor (Samsung CF791) as the plasma sometimes gets image retention. I play rpg/action games like Fallout 4, RE 7, Witcher 3, MGSV, etc. I have an r9 390 now but wouldn't mind upgrading if it's warranted.

Is 1440p/100hz that much of an upgrade over 1080p/60hz? Does Freesync really make a difference? Should I stick with the TV or go with the monitor?
Well that depends a lot on you. I think you have listed mostly single player games. If the ghosting bothers you that much, then you should consider a monitor that supports ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur)

3440x1440 is a nice wide format and good pixel density at 34", but your 50" screen is quite a bit bigger, so you can sit farther away from it, but has a much lower pixel density.

Freesync is a good choice when your GPU is underpowered, and 3440x1440 will certainly put a strain on a R9-390. In which case you can either adjust settings to achieve frame rate like you would with a normal monitor, or let free-sync determine the frame rate your GPU can handle at any give moment. There will be no screen tearing (unless the FPS drops below the...
Well that depends a lot on you. I think you have listed mostly single player games. If the ghosting bothers you that much, then you should consider a monitor that supports ULMB (Ultra Low Motion Blur)

3440x1440 is a nice wide format and good pixel density at 34", but your 50" screen is quite a bit bigger, so you can sit farther away from it, but has a much lower pixel density.

Freesync is a good choice when your GPU is underpowered, and 3440x1440 will certainly put a strain on a R9-390. In which case you can either adjust settings to achieve frame rate like you would with a normal monitor, or let free-sync determine the frame rate your GPU can handle at any give moment. There will be no screen tearing (unless the FPS drops below the freesync threshold)