1080p Vs. 2k Vs. refresh rate!


Jul 26, 2017
Hey everyone,

I'm not too up with monitor specs and what it all means, but, I have a Ryzen 5 with a GTX 1070 and I wanted to get the most out of my gaming, both in terms of eye-candy, but also refresh rate, I'm not sure which is more important in my case

I can't seem to find a nice middle ground that I can take advantage of, so perhaps I'm just not looking property.

A bit of background: I essentially play WoW, Overwatch, and plan to play Destiny 2 when it drops.

my questions are: What is my best option for a monitor, I'm looking for the most immersive option that won't break the bank. (Say 500 bucks).

Do I need G-Sync?

Thanks in Advance!
few things to consider here :

the ryzen can give consistent 60+fps but not near 100 which is preferable for 144hz display. u need a 7700k for that.
the 1070 can give 100+fps in 1080p and ~75fps in 2k. but for the games u play, it should be easy even in 2k.

looking at ur specs in general, i would suggest u to go for 2k 75hz display.

a different suggestion https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jHGj4D/lg-29uc88-b-290-monitor-29uc88-b

Thanks Lucky_SLS, Is there a noticeable difference between the 60hz and 75hz? I can probably squeeze some extra juice out of the Ryzen with the OC.