[1080p144hz@max] GTX 970/R9 390 now, or wait for GTX 1070?


May 26, 2016
I'm buying the BenQ XL24 144hz monitor so I can't afford a GTX 1080 (or 980/Ti) at all and I won't be able to upgrade my system for at least 5 years.

I'm looking to be able to play competitive games (i.e. CSGO, Dota 2, Battlefield 4, etc.) at 144+ FPS, hopefully max settings at 1024x768. And I want to be able to play the latest games on ultra or at least max settings (without AA) at 1080p resolution for at least 5 years. I will NOT be going beyond 1080p resolution AT ALL (or downsample).

So will either of these cards last me 5 years on the latest games without any anti-aliasing or downscaling?

My options are:

1) Buy one of these now: GTX 970, R9 390, R9 390X (can barely afford 390X or 970)
2) Wait and buy: GTX 1070

What do you think I should do? I'm a little bit impatient as well since I can't run anything on my Intel HD 530 right now.
If your objective is not to upgrade your system for 5 years then GTX 970 is not going to work.

My logic is this: GTX 760 was released in the first half of 2013, now it is minimum requirement for demanding AAA games, which is how I foresee the GTX 960 in 3 years and 1 month.

And since GTX 970 isn't much more powerful than the 960, I don't expect it can still deliver after 4,5 years.
If your objective is not to upgrade your system for 5 years then GTX 970 is not going to work.

My logic is this: GTX 760 was released in the first half of 2013, now it is minimum requirement for demanding AAA games, which is how I foresee the GTX 960 in 3 years and 1 month.

And since GTX 970 isn't much more powerful than the 960, I don't expect it can still deliver after 4,5 years.