1080TI runs games on 20 fps


Oct 19, 2017
I got :
Asus gtx1080ti founders edtion 11gb
32 giga ram
Asus b250m-a
Samsung 850 evo sad

I installed this drivers :



And every game runs at 20 - 30 fps.. on a 1080p monitor.. (yes I know it's a waste, I am gonna uprage the monitor soon) .
I did something wrong? The drivers aren't good?
Thanks for the help 🙂
First, are you plugged into the GPU and not hte motherboard?

And second, use the nvidia drivers from their site instead of Asus drivers. Companies are sometimes way behind in keeping GPU drivers updated.
getochkn is right...at 20fps you have to of accidentally plugged your monitor into your motherboard. this will revert the graphics to the CPU and use the internal graphics of the 7700. You might even have to go into the bois and disable the internal graphics checkbox. I'm not sure on the b250 boards. Then plug the monitor into the graphics card.
First thing that comes to mind is that you are using onboard graphics instead of the dedicated gpu like the users above me mentioned.

Also the best way to keep up to date on drivers is to download geforce experience, it's Nvidia's software and will always have the most up to date drivers.