10GB RAM Possible?


Jan 14, 2015
Hello everybody, so i have bought corsair vengeance 4GB DDR3 @1600Mhz memory stick. I already have 6GB RAM(4+2).
When i try to add all the memory sticks together, the PC doesnt start but when i remove the 2GB memory stick the computer runs fine with (4+4)GB in dual channel.Is there a way to use all the RAMs together?
Note that i have tried putting all of them together.

My mobo: DH55TC
CPU: intel core i3 540
RAM: 2GB model: http://www.snapdeal.com/product/dynet-ddr3-2gb-1333-mhz/297266657
4GB model: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820313097&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Another 4GB: http://www.snapdeal.com/product/corsair-vengeance-ddr3-4-gb/2010360135?utm_source=earth_feed&utm_campaign=21_703&utm_medium=106930324&vendorCode=Scb9a7
Probably down to the fact that although all CAS9, the sub timings will be different.

Should always try and stick to the same model for all the sticks.

Fill the coloured sockets blue/black with the same size memory sticks.

The difference between 8GB and 10GB is should not be noticeable.
You will not see an advantage running that extra 2gb module. It will be running in single channel mode and if anything is potentially going to cause more trouble than it is worth. With RAM, the rule of thumb is to run them in pairs. So either two modules, four modules, etc and to definitely run modules all with the same timing but when possible to run modules also with the same capacity and the same manufacturer.

From experience running non-ECC ram with more than two modules while 100% possible it often requires tweaking voltage and memory settings, if you are not comfortable with this and just want to plug and play I would stick with the guidelines I mentioned above and in your case just use the two 4gb modules.