I have put together what I believe to be a "balanced" pc build aimed at the ability to upgrade, as I plan to upgrade and get a CM Hyper 212 EVO along with an unlocked i5 when I get the money for that. A lot of you will also note that it is very similar to the fx 6300 gtx 960 build that pcpartpicker has recently put together, I have made what I call an "Intel version". Here is the current build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZpxmK8 As you can see I have chosen to go with an i3 to last me until I get an i5 because I believe that it's HT will allow it better performance than the Pentium in the main game I am going to play, Battlefield. You are also probably wondering, why such an expensive mobo? I decided not to cheap out on this aspect and get a good quality Z97 board with SLI that also happens to have a great rep and BIOS as I plan on both overclocking an unlocked i5, and potentially doing two way 960 SLI, if I ever get enough money saved for that. The reason for the expensive power supply is that I believe that it will save more money on the power bill over time as apposed to getting something like a CX600 by Corsair, and something a lot of people overlook is the fact that Cooler Master makes some of best quality power supplies on the market. I now realize that I have made this way too long, and apologize for that, lol. Finally if anyone has reccomendations on a non-reference 960 brand feel free to share. Thanks for any help!