1151 with h55 corsair wtf does not fit

Have you followed the instructions step by step?

1) Make sure the screws you are using are correct
2) Make sure the retention ring is the correct way around
3) Make sure the screw holes are in the right position

Can you take a picture of how it's set up at the moment?
Can you please edit your post so you're actually asking a specific question that we can try and answer? Maybe include some information on what components you have (case, motherboard, what bracket you're using), include some images of what's happening?

YeAh. I have a nzxt s340 case with an asus b150 pro gaming aura mother board. I put the intel chip i5 skylake lga 1151 in it. And when I try installing the, corsair h55 hydro series water cooling system on the cpu the sockets just doesnt fit, i have to bend the back plate of the cooling system. its really odd and sketchy. I dont want to force anything in either.. idk what to do
Have you followed the instructions step by step?

1) Make sure the screws you are using are correct
2) Make sure the retention ring is the correct way around
3) Make sure the screw holes are in the right position

Can you take a picture of how it's set up at the moment?
Question from Jacob_65 : "1151 with h55 corsair wtf does not fit"

What motherboard is it going on? old backing plates all removed( if it had some)?Should fit. either re-read or find a install video because it seems you are doing one step wrong https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=h55+corsair&oq=h55+corsair&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=h55+corsair&tbm=vid