1155 Motherboard Orange

Gigabyte is the only one who sells orange lag 1155 boards. They are very high end though and cost at least $300. Therefore your best option is to just get a plain black one.
Gigabyte is the only one who sells orange lag 1155 boards. They are very high end though and cost at least $300. Therefore your best option is to just get a plain black one.

preferably atx

I saw that Foxconn makes one but i cant find where to buy it
dude your going to hard pressed to find anything In that 1155 to start with that's worthy of getting .. its dated and slowly being phased out

were in the 9 series boards now and the 100 will pop up soon so your 3 generations behind ... so most you see in 1155 are the left overs from stock
wow - talk about hard pressed to get a board . I guess unless your in china that's a desperation buy ?? maybe just as easy to get a up to today board and chip in a 9 series and 1150 ??

I guess it may help to know what market he can buy from E.U ? N. America ? Auzzie ? looks kinda slim pickings in the u.s of a
Yes the seller is in the US. Mine shipped in 4 days.

But again, EVERYTHING is in Chinese and there are NO online drivers, BIOS updates, or anything else for it.

I would NOT recommend it to a newer user. It would be completely stupid to buy for an i3. I would recommend OP to get a U.S spec board and deal without orange.
it looks the most promising and I seen it as low as 96 bucks wioth rebate ?

if he did not think he would ever do a sli or find a k chip then I guess like a h board could do ?? I like to look at what I mite want to do down the road weather I end up using it or not at least I know its there to do so and be covered ? [opinion]

well looks like new egg don't have it anymore through them


I think its best to just get a ''get by '' board cheap use it for what its worth and start saving up on a newer up to date build --

like I wqs saying your getting pretty dated on that 1155

gives me an excuse to learn Chinese
PLEASE note that this board is also EATX and will NOT fit in a standard ATX case. It requires a bigger case.

Also, EVERYTHING is in Chinese. The entire BIOS is and it is not translated anywhere on the internet. I'm not trying to tell you don't buy it, but if you don;t have alot of experience messing with BIOS's then you should pass. I have built over 100 systems and I can BARELY navigate the BIOS at all. There are still tons of settings I can't find.

I have a cougar Challenger case and it probably wont fit, but if that is what my options are, just easier to save up for a 1150 9 series motherboard.
its not that to give it up just don't go overboard - if you need something to get by wile you save up and decide on a fresh build just get a nice h board on the cheap and run what you got plan and save for a today build

its just the way it is older things get phased out for the newer and with that 1155 like I said your fixing to be 3 generations back and seems most boards available are overstocked left overs trying to sell them off and then there done ..

intel moves ahead faster then amd but look at how old the and AM3+ platforms are getting now [5 years + ] I cant see buying the past today on that ..