12.288 on +12v rail


May 25, 2012
12v rail - from 11.4 to 12.6
5v rail - from 4.75 to 5.25
3.3v rail - from 3.135 to 3.465

While others have pointed out the spec, let me ask a question?
While your 12.288 V is great for the +12 V rail - Now the question, Is this @ idle, or under load.

If @ idle, recommend you recheck under load. Anything over a 0.3 V drop would indicate weak regulation.
To ways two load +12 V rail:
A) Run Prime 95 for about 10 Minutes while monitoring voltages. Longer if you want to check CPU/Memory stability - But if you run it longer keep an eye on CPU core temperatures!!!
B) Run Furmark in a window while monitoring Voltages. Furmark checks GPU.
C) Run simultaneous instances of Prime95 and Furmark to stress test your PC and check voltages in a full load situation. As the Chief said, you need to monitor temps/voltages while doing this test.
Aggree and dissagree.

The MB senors in most cases are accurate, The problem generally is in the software that converts the value to a displayed value. All the MBs that I've verified (Normally do an initial comparission between a DVM and a displayed readings) and if the displayed values are with in the tolerence, then they tend to aggree with a DVM. The problem, and where many feel they are not accurate is when they display a "off the wall value" (which is often a software rail limit and is do to the Programer NOT knowing where the value is stored and getting a BOGUS number. ie +12 V displays Less than +10V or => +16V. On one of my boards it displays my +12 V as a neg 12.1. But the absolute value is correct and tracks a DVM.


May 25, 2012

I have Thermaltake XT 675

and at idle i have

I monitor with Asus AI Suite 2

My mobo is p8z68-v pro
On cheaper/older power supplies the 12V regulation is dependent on the load on the 5V rail and if there is no load on the 5V rail then the voltage on the 12V rail can go high and out of tolerance. There is no regulation on the 12V rail rather it relies on the regulation of the 5V rail and the 12V is set by the ratio of the turns on the transformer. 12.288 is a perfectly normal voltage to see on the 12V rail and being slightly high is preferable to its being slightly low.