124 BOSD problem

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Aug 5, 2015
I got new computer and I installed windows 7. When the computer was on for a few minutes I got bluescreens. Then I tried to install windows 10. It worked for awhile but now when im playing games it gives the bluescreens again. I have all drivers updated. The bluescreen says: "WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR"

And this is what bluescreenview says:

What to do?

Graphics card: GTX 970 turbo OC 4 Gb
Motherboard: Z97-P
Processor: i5 4690k
RAM: HyperX 8Gb DDR3 1600MHz
you also have some 2012 Huawei Modem Driver you might want to update if you can:

I would assume that your bugcheck 0x124 is caused by the overclock driver/GPU tweaking driver from asus.
ASUS Kernel Mode Driver ?Asus Smart Doctor/iTracker 2 Asus GPU Tweak and GPU Tweak
C:\Windows\system32\drivers\IOMap64.sys Tue Jul 02 01:27:47 2013
and see if you can get the bugcheck without having the driver installed.

system uptime was 41 minutes
CPU called the bugcheck because of a cache write error reported by core 2 cache bank 1

machine info:
BIOS Version 2803
BIOS Starting Address Segment f000
BIOS Release Date 05/21/2015...
this is a common overclocking error where the CPU shutsdown the system because of a internal CPU problem.
Look for:
overclocking: remove any BIOS overclock,remove any CPU and GPU driver software overclocking
overheating: confirm the CPU fans, GPU fans, and PSU fans are working and none are stopped or slowed by dust.
power issues: if you added a new GPU or overclocked your GPU make sure it has proper power. if not it can cause a voltage drop to the CPU which can cause cache memory errors within the CPU that are detected by the CPU memory controller and causes the CPU to shutdown.

BIOS versions: the newer CPUs require less power than the older one, make sure your BIOS is updated to a version that is newer than the release date of your CPU. Old BIOS with a new low power CPU can cause this bugcheck because too much voltage would be applied to the CPU.

if you have a marginal power supply you might have to underclock your GPU to keep from getting this error.
But be sure to make sure the GPU is getting proper power.

if you have a memory dump, often the system uptime will be very short (under 15 second) if your CPU rebooted because you GPU took too much power. It is very common and is the result of two different hardware issues.
Too much power pulled by GPU from the PCI/e bus, and a power supply that does not have a proper power_ok signal.
in this case the GPU pulls too much power, the CPU voltage goes too low and the CPU reset line is triggered, it starts to reset but the power supply does not block the reboot because it hardcoded the power_ok signal. The CPU powers up with bad power and gets a cache memory error and generates the 0x124 bugcheck.
Most of the time people never realize the machine rebooted on them, they just see a delay in a game and 7 seconds later a bugcheck 0x124.

so if in the memory dump if the system uptime is under 15 seconds, most likely your system rebooted.
if it is over say 15 mins, most likely you have a heating problem.

you can put the memory dumps on a server like microsoft onedrive, mark them as public and post a link
and I can take a quick look if you want.

I have updated my bios and reseted the bios settings. My PC is not overclocked and I ran memory test without any errors and FurMark test, no overheating.
I mainly get the bosd when im playing CS:GO, it has happend in other games too.
put the memory dump up on a server and I will check the system up time and read the CPU error info.

you also have some 2012 Huawei Modem Driver you might want to update if you can:

I would assume that your bugcheck 0x124 is caused by the overclock driver/GPU tweaking driver from asus.
ASUS Kernel Mode Driver ?Asus Smart Doctor/iTracker 2 Asus GPU Tweak and GPU Tweak
C:\Windows\system32\drivers\IOMap64.sys Tue Jul 02 01:27:47 2013
and see if you can get the bugcheck without having the driver installed.

system uptime was 41 minutes
CPU called the bugcheck because of a cache write error reported by core 2 cache bank 1

machine info:
BIOS Version 2803
BIOS Starting Address Segment f000
BIOS Release Date 05/21/2015
Product Z97-P
Version Rev X.0x

Processor Version Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Processor Voltage 8ch - 1.2V
External Clock 100MHz
Max Speed 3900MHz
Current Speed 3500MHz

I would check the power supply, make sure the CPU and power supply fans are spinning up.
maybe swap out the power supply. if your GPU is overclocked and you have a marginal power supply unit, you might underclock the GPU to reduce the power pulled from the motherboard via the PCI/e slot.
Be sure to check all the power supply connections to the GPU and make sure they are providing power.
IE check any supplemental power connection from the GPU to the PSU.
sometimes if you turn off your browser graphic hardware acceleration and it actually helps, then the supplemental power connection might not be connected(if you have a gpu that has these connectors).

minidump shows a error writing to cache RAM inside the CPU.
on processor 2 cache bank 1.

cpu was running for 3 hours.

I did not see any GPU or CPU overclocking drivers.

generally a error like this would be caused by overheating of a CPU or a fluctuation in the power to the CPU.
This can happen if the power to the motherboard fluctuates. (check or swap out the power supply) I am thinking of the case of a GPU using too much power and causing a brownout to the motherboard. Them motherboard should reset the CPU in this case but I have seen some systems generate a 0x124 bugcheck.

Sometimes with certain specialize drivers you might generate this error as a side effect of a problem.

you might consider removing:
HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Bus Enumerate Device
\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\ew_jubusenum.sys Sun Aug 19 17:55:56 2012

\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\AsIO.sys Wed Aug 22 02:54:47 2012

I would remove: the razer overlay driver (at least while testing)
C:\Windows\system32\drivers\rzpmgrk.sys Thu Jun 11 19:57:21 2015

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