128 bit GTX 970 and 980?


Oct 3, 2017

They're fake cards, what they do is buy old cards and put the BIOS of the card there marketing it as on the old card, this will trick the system into thinking its the right card. The thing is, if the card has less memory than the BIOS of the card its being marketed as, it will have...

They're fake cards, what they do is buy old cards and put the BIOS of the card there marketing it as on the old card, this will trick the system into thinking its the right card. The thing is, if the card has less memory than the BIOS of the card its being marketed as, it will have stuttering and many many game issues. Say one card is marketed as a 4gb card yet the actual card only has 512mb's the game will think it has 4gb's and try to allocate 4gb's of textures to the card. We can all see how that wont work very well. I actually bought one of these cards off of Wish.com for $2, it stated it was a 1080 ti, although I know its not. I was hoping to get a half decent card and just put the correct BIOS on it.

Some of them are actually counterfeited chips that a Chinese company has reverse engineered and are producing for this garbage.

$2 for a 1080 Ti? 😀 Thanks for the explanation. I knew it was fake or somehow not real, but that makes sense.

That is also true, but I find that what I said is more common since old cards are fairly cheap and can fit a standard size cooler.

Actually could I ask what you actually got instead of the 1080 ti?

We didn't get it yet, were getting it next month, although I don't expect it to be very fast there usually something like an 8800 gtx or really any cheap card that will fit the cooler.