128MB Mobile Graphics Cards


Oct 10, 2003
I am about to buy a laptop, which I want to use for gaming among other things, so I want to get the best graphics card I can in it. The only options I can find in the 128MB category are the ATI Mobility Radeon 9600, or the nVidia Quadro FX Go700.

I was under the impression that the current crop of ATI cards are better, but a lot of manufacturers are only providing nVidia chips. (e.g. Dell).

All I really need to know is which is the more powerful graphics card (for gaming), the ATI mobility Radeon or the nVidia Quadro FX Go.

Thanks for the help.
Is the PRO model available for laptops yet? (Can I also take it that if I have to settle for one of the other two cards that the ATI one will be better.)
From what I understand it's been available for a while already.

The mobile 9600 PRO rules the world of laptops.

Radeon 9500 (hardmodded to PRO, o/c to 322/322)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (o/c to 2600+ with 143 fsb)
3dMark03: 4055