12v running high in BIOS


Dec 13, 2016

I came home from work and discovered that my computer had automatically shut off due to high voltage. In the BIOS, the 12v gauge was close to 15v. So I opened the case up and began cleaning. I'm not sure what 12v corresponds to, but from other posts I've read it seems to indicate an issue with the power supply. Regardless, I cleaned every nook and cranny I could get to. By doing so, I lowered the 12v gauge to between 13.72 and 13.82 in BIOS. This is, of course, while the PC is at rest. I'm not sure how or if gaming affects the voltage, but one would think it does (does it?). I ask because I read that 15v is dangerous, so I'm wondering if I should completely put a stop to gaming for the time being.

Here is what I'm running:
Windows 10 Pro
CX Series CX750M
Intel Core i50-3450 CPU @ 3.10 GHz
GeForce GTX 970

I'm getting an SSD for Christmas and probably some unknown hardware from my brother (he refuses to tell me). My questions are: Is there another possibility as to why the 12v is high, or is the voltage level without a doubt due to the power supply? Could the BIOS reading be wrong? Is the 13.72-13.82v range at rest dangerously high if I play demanding games? Given that my power supply is 2+ years old, is it time to upgrade? If there is a solid power supply for under $90 I wouldn't mind upgrading, but if I can fix this issue and use that money towards, say, a processor, that'd be preferable.

Thank you so much for your help. I apologize if I posted not according to standards. I did my due diligence in reading the stickies, but may have innocently missed one pertaining to posting help threads.