Approximate Purchase Date: In the coming days
Budget Range:1000-1300 €
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, which is not the only thing I do but the most demanding. Writing, browsing and watching streaming.
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Parts to Upgrade: CPU, MOBO, PSU, GPU, RAM
Do you need to buy OS: Yes. I plan to use the SSD I currently use but I assume I should re-install windows
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Amazon, lack of options more than preference.
Location: Italy
Parts Preferences: Not ASUS. My current MOBO is ASUS and I had problems from day 1. While I know it is not rational, I just want to avoid them on my next build
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1440. I can keep the current 1080 monitor if needed
Additional Comments: when gaming I don't mind lowering details to make things run smoother and cooler.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: For the past weeks the pc started giving off a strange acrid smell. I can't pinpoint where it comes from (PSU or CPU). Last week, during a thunderstorm, something "exploded" due to a power fluctuation, and after that I could see the bios on boot but when windows was loading the monitors would just go black with some pixels in the middle. So I replaced the gtx 1050 I had bought a couple years ago with the old 550 that was the system's original GPU and I am currently working with that (the 1050 drew power directly from the MOBO so I'm really mistyfied by how it got burned without losing the MOBO as well).
Even without the GPU issue, there is still the smell and the fact that the CPU + MOBO are starting to feel too old (i7 2600k)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x
RAM: 8GB + 8GB DDR4 3200 MHz
GPU: RTX 3050
I'm mostly looking on feedback on whether or not the hardware might have compatibility issues.
Can the Motherboard work with the CPU with stock BIOS or does it require some updates? I would really prefer not to touch the BIOS
Can I set fans' speed from the bios or do I need a hub to avoid having them run at 100% all the time?
Does the GPU draw power from the motherboard or from the psu?
Is a 500W PSU enough for this?
Is there a better option for GPU price/performance wise?
Budget Range:1000-1300 €
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, which is not the only thing I do but the most demanding. Writing, browsing and watching streaming.
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Parts to Upgrade: CPU, MOBO, PSU, GPU, RAM
Do you need to buy OS: Yes. I plan to use the SSD I currently use but I assume I should re-install windows
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Amazon, lack of options more than preference.
Location: Italy
Parts Preferences: Not ASUS. My current MOBO is ASUS and I had problems from day 1. While I know it is not rational, I just want to avoid them on my next build
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1440. I can keep the current 1080 monitor if needed
Additional Comments: when gaming I don't mind lowering details to make things run smoother and cooler.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: For the past weeks the pc started giving off a strange acrid smell. I can't pinpoint where it comes from (PSU or CPU). Last week, during a thunderstorm, something "exploded" due to a power fluctuation, and after that I could see the bios on boot but when windows was loading the monitors would just go black with some pixels in the middle. So I replaced the gtx 1050 I had bought a couple years ago with the old 550 that was the system's original GPU and I am currently working with that (the 1050 drew power directly from the MOBO so I'm really mistyfied by how it got burned without losing the MOBO as well).
Even without the GPU issue, there is still the smell and the fact that the CPU + MOBO are starting to feel too old (i7 2600k)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x
RAM: 8GB + 8GB DDR4 3200 MHz
GPU: RTX 3050
I'm mostly looking on feedback on whether or not the hardware might have compatibility issues.
Can the Motherboard work with the CPU with stock BIOS or does it require some updates? I would really prefer not to touch the BIOS
Can I set fans' speed from the bios or do I need a hub to avoid having them run at 100% all the time?
Does the GPU draw power from the motherboard or from the psu?
Is a 500W PSU enough for this?
Is there a better option for GPU price/performance wise?