Can someone give me a list of parts to make the BEST Intel Quad Core / Nvidia (video card) comp. build for $1300.....
I want the best video card possible without SLI... So I dont need a SLI motherboard.
The build I did on newegg is about $1407, thats with 2.66ghz quad, evga gtx 285, 4 gigs of ram, 640gig HDD, zalman cpu cooler, 22"widescreen monitor, 3 new case fans, corsair 850watt psu, gigabyte EP45-UD3P mobo, vista and 2 blue cathodes.
I want the best video card possible without SLI... So I dont need a SLI motherboard.
The build I did on newegg is about $1407, thats with 2.66ghz quad, evga gtx 285, 4 gigs of ram, 640gig HDD, zalman cpu cooler, 22"widescreen monitor, 3 new case fans, corsair 850watt psu, gigabyte EP45-UD3P mobo, vista and 2 blue cathodes.