$1300 pc build VS $1000 + 1440p monitor

Oct 6, 2017
Next month i'm starting to buy the parts for my new computer since my last one was bought in 2009.

I still own a 1080p 60hrz monitor and i would like to know if a 1440p 144hrz monitor would be worth scraping 380$ off of the build.

Cpu: ryzen 5 1600
Gpu: 1080 ti
Ram: 16gb corsair 2990mhz
Monitor: 1080p 60hrz

Cpu: ryzen 3 1200
Gpu: 1080
Ram: 8gb corsair 2990mhz
Monitor: 1440p 144hrz + brand new mouse and keyboard
Worth is something only YOU can determine.
What is your ryzen 1600 build list and what would you cut back on?
Is this a pure gaming pc, or are you running multithreaded apps also?
What are your old parts? Perhaps you can reuse some.

What kinds of games do you play?

Some games are graphics limited like fast action shooters.
Others are cpu core speed limited like strategy, sims, and mmo.
Multiplayer tends to like many threads.
I'm assuming you're to upgrade your monitor at some point even if you go with the first build? Because a 1080 Ti with a 1080p monitor is a waste...
Also, if you're planning for 144Hz gaming, Ryzen may not be the best choice. Intel is still the king for pushing out the highest framerates.
Why must the CPU go all the way down to the 1200 when the Ti is about $200 more than the least expensive 1080? I'd not buy something less than the 1500x or the 7600K to help with CPU and GPU balance.

The 1080Ti would be too much GPU for the 1200 CPU. It won't cause any problems but it's like putting an eagle in a parakeet cage. The Ti wouldn't be able to fully spread its wings because

The 60Hz limitation will also limit the FPS. Yes, you will see *** FPS within MSI AB's OSD but the monitor won't be able to display then accordingly.

The CPU will limit the FPS a LOT.

In short the Ti is a waste of money when a 1080p 60Hz monitor is used.

I'd have 16GB RAM with either build. A brand new kit is preferred over adding 1 stick/combining old and new RAM.

yeah i agree but is the best 6 core i can afford.

also, is there really that much difference beetween 110fps and 140fps?


Yeah, it's way overkill to go with a 1080 Ti for 1080p, 60hz. Even a GTX 1080 could be considered unnecessary for that resolution and refresh rate. The second build seems a little more balanced, since 1440p will make use of the additional performance provided by a high-end card like that.

I agree that for 144Hz, Intel's processors tend to be able to push higher framerates, though at 1440p, the graphics card will likely limit your performance more than the processor. With a GTX 1080, your framerates probably won't average much more than 100fps in newer games at max settings anyway. Still, if you were willing to pass on a "brand new mouse and keyboard" for the first build, you might be better off passing on that in the second as well, and going with a higher-end processor instead.

the 1440p 144hrz monitor costs around $370 with shipping included so that's why

i'm not pairing the 1080ti with the 1200...

with the 1080 ti build i was planning to play downscaled 4k to hold the fps at bay

can't have 16gb with both :/

also with the 1080 ti build i could buy the 1440p monitor down the line a few months later so...
Since you do have 1080 monitor already, IF you can count on having enough money to buy 1440p 144hrz in no more then few months, 1st build becomes obvious choice. Since monitor expected lifespan is much longer then GPU, it makes no sense to buy powerful GPU and wait for monitor that can fully use it for a year or more.

yeah yeah i'm aware of that, with the first build i was planning on playing downscaled 4k to hold the extra fps at bay till eventually 6 - 7 month later upgrading to the better monitor.

also since i don't think i've ever seen 140 fps on 144hrz monitor with my own eyes, is it really thaaat good?


So the 1600/1080Ti/16GB RAM is the clear winner.

Sorry about that. The 1080/1200/8GB RAM is just lopsided.

A couple lists from https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ would offer a clearer picture. Value is important too.
Could go with something like this and still be quite close to your $1000 budget so you can get a new monitor. I'm assuming you're reusing your current case/storage. You'd also be fine dropping down to a GTX 1070.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor ($199.89 @ B&H)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z370M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($131.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($148.55 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card ($397.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $918.40
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-10-13 12:28 EDT-0400

Going from 60Hz up to 144Hz is very noticeable. It even allows for better viewing outside of games. Racing and other fast paced action programs can benefit from the faster refresh rate. Going from 110 to 144? Not that much but some would notice in certain scenarios.

yeah the pc i'm currently using is a prebuilt hp from 2009 and i can clearly see it's on it's death bed, can't really use any parts from it, not even the hdd since it's on the verge of total data corruption.

really don't wanna go any lower than a gtx 1080 with the build. if i was gonna use a 1070 i'd rather go with the xbox one x and a 4k monitor, would spend much less for more or less the same performance. or at least i'm told so...


Well you could always save yourself a bit of cash by reusing the case. It's not like they wear down with age unless you're physically abusing them.

Regarding getting a console, an xbox one x is not equivalent to a system with an i5 8400 and GTX 1070. The GPU in that console is roughly on par with a RX 480/580. A 1070 is ~30% more powerful than an RX 580. The CPU is based on old, low performance mobile architecture from AMD, clocked at 2.3 GHz. An 8400 is hugely better.

the pc case is fairly small has 1x tiny pathetic fan, no airholes but in the back (lol) no cable managment not sure if an atx motherboard would even be supported.

yeah the cpu on the x is abysmal and cpu intensive games like open world games etc. would run kinda shitty on that thing, but can't deny that the price is really good, i actually intertained the tought of buying one but the fact that the games cost so much and that u have to pay for online kept me away.