1366 Mobo for Custom Build


Jan 8, 2013
Hello everyone.

First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this thread and again for replying.

Secondly. I need to explain that I am on an extremely tight budget.

So. I was researching a new CPU to completely replace my old Core 2 Duo build which is getting old and having trouble keeping up. I came across some Xeon X5550 LGA 1366 CPU's on eBay for literally $10 that are 500% more powerful than my E6420. (And a few others that are even stronger for $50.)

But. I'm having trouble deciding on a motherboard that's not proprietary like Dell or HP. I know the socket is dead to Intel and no longer supported. But if I can find a good used motherboard, I can save like $400 - $600 building this thing. I've already considered the Dell Precision T models, and the Hp z models, but they both use proprietary power supplies, and a lot of modding is required to make them work.

I wouldn't mind if the motherboard was used. As long as it worked as intended.

Mild gaming at light resolutions (Monitor only goes 1280x960)
Every day surfing / chatting

1. I don't plan to Overclock
2. I don't need 12 Gigs of RAM (Eight should be fine.)
3. I'm recycling my hard drives ( 300 gb + 1 TB Slave)
4. I'm recycling my GPU (GTX 650 ti SSC 2GB)
5. I'm recycling my optical drive (Sony Optiarc)

I've already found a good mid atx case on newegg, but I need a motherboard and a power supply of at least 600w. ( I plan on upgrading my GPU next quarter, maybe. If I can afford it.)

Any information would be helpful!

Old Tech is still useful! And it helps people like me build a good PC!

Thank you guys!
I can vouch for this board: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R rev 2.0: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3449#ov

I used that board on my old i7-950 and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It unfortunately died some months ago due to a bad PSU after 6-years of service, without a faulty PSU, it would still be in my secondary rig.

I genuinely loved that board so much that I found it used on the danish equivalent of ebay for very few money.

The boards rev 2.0 also supports the: Xeon X5550 LGA 1366 CPU.

Rev 1.0: http://www.gigabyte.com/support-downloads/cpu-support-popup.aspx?pid=3305
Rev 2.0: http://www.gigabyte.com/support-downloads/cpu-support-popup.aspx?pid=3449

For a PSU find almost any XFX, Seasonic, Superflower or FSP of around 550-620W and you are good to go.

EDIT there are two revisions of the board: rev. 1.0 and 2.0

REV 1.0 does not support your CPU, so make sure it is revision 2.0 if you choose my suggestion! Very, very important.
While this motherboard looks awesome. And it's great that you have experience with it. $250 is a bit out of my price range for this budget. Sigh

As for the rev versions, the first board supports the W series Xeon (Similar prices). Which is essentially the X series without additional QPI support. (Meaning you are limited to only a single CPU regardless of the motherboard.)

You should be able to find it cheaper used than 250 dollars. I bought it used for under 50 dollars and it works flawlessly. The troubles is, as you pointed out yourself, the 1366 socket is discontinued and therefore compatible components are scarce.

My best advice would be to search for any local hardware shop or local second-hand online store and find any 1366 board. Then do your research and see if the board you found supports everything you want. If it does, buy it. If it doesn't, repeat step one. This option will require some effort, but will reveal the biggest result for the lowest amount of money.
The one's on ebay for less than $200 where all parts or not working. And there aren't any second hand stores where I live way out in the country. Hence why I have to rely heavily on the Internet.

I found a few Intel DX58SO motherboards. But they have very short supported processor lists.


The lowest of which is the Xeon E5520 ($7) (still more powerful than my cpu by a lot.)

And I'm willing to have it as a place holder until I can buy W3690 (About $200)

But I wonder if you can use any 1366 CPU in this motherboard even if it's not supported.

Well, no one can really say unless we can see proof of a working machine with such specifications. The socket is supported the problem usually, albeit not always, is the chipset. I would not try it if I had to spend money on that try, as is the case here, but if I had the components and didn't spend a dime, I would do some experimenting.

I am sorry, but I think that is the limitation of my helpfulness. My experience with socket 1366 is limited to i7-950 and chipset X58, so my knowledge is inadequate to release anymore useful information.

I hope I somewhat helped you. Now, we have to wait for other replies.

You have helped me a great deal,sir.

Thank you for your expertise.