1440p 144hz gaming gpu: 1080 or 1080ti with ryzen 5 1600x


Jul 9, 2017
so what gpu do you suggest would work best in combo with the ryzen 5 1600x for 1440p gaming? for now i am using the gigabyte 1070 g1 gaming and at 1440p it is hadling things as expected but i want more and a little bit more future profing. so what do you suggest ? i gues the 1080 ti will not bottlenick with a ryzen 1600x? or would it?
I consistently say TI. Seriously I've posted the same across close to a dozen threads regarding such.

If you check on my profile, my older rig has a Strix OC TI and I absolutely love it. It's used with a 1440p/144hz G-Sync and one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I really have to try hard to bring it down(usually MSAAx2 or 4 and things like that). Usually averages 80-100 for the most demanding games and easily cranks 110-144 or more for light weight games.

I can't say for sure if it will bottleneck a 1600x but I know that my 2600k@4.2Ghz is pretty happy with it.

You would require g-sync monitor as ryzen is not very good at high refresh rate gaming

Ryzen is okay for 60Hz at 1140p and 4K, but like the guy above said, it's inferior in faster Hz monitors over the Intel counterparts. But since it's already been bought there's not much to do about it. A GTX 1080 Ti still will not come close to hitting 144FPS in most AAA titles at 1440p, so a G-sync monitor is a must.

I agree that a TI won't hit 144FPS for demanding games, as I've already stated, but what card will(especially with whats been asked)?

I also agree that G-Sync is a must, but if playing less than a AAA demanding game, a TI can hit over 144hz and when a drop occurs tearing will happen. None the less a TI and a G-Sync 1440p are a match made in heaven. My only complaint is I'd love a 32" vs. the 27" I've got.
thanks for the answers. darn shame that those g sync monitors are so damm pricey... maybe just gonna stick with a 1440p 60hertz gaming for now and just wait till next years volta or wenn vega 64 goes cheaper.
And that's why people validate getting Vega if you do not have a G-sync or Freesync monitor and wanting to upgrade both the GPU and monitor. The Vega 64 is inferior to the GTX 1080 it is targeted at. It costs the same*, performs lower, and uses more power (a LOT more power). However, the Vega 56 is better than the GTX 1070. But it costs more* and uses more power. The only real advantage Vega has over Nvidia's Pascal is the savings in buying a Freesync monitor over a G-sync one.

*That's referencing the announced release prices, not actual selling prices. I'm leaving out the upside down reseller price structure right now between the GPUs due cryptocurrency miner demand throwing them all out of whack.
to tell the truth i never was fond of amd gpus and always had only nvidias and will stay with it . just probably gonna wait for volta and down grade the grapichs of the games a bit for the time being and set the monitor at 60hertz instead of 144