1440p**4K**1440p Ultrawide Curved Monitor Comparison


Jan 4, 2016
Hi guys,
I am sure this has been asked enough times but just for my understanding, I am torn between 3 monitor choices: ASUS ROG SWIFT PG279Q, ASUS ROG SWIFT PG27AQ &
Acer Predator X34.
I am running a GTX 1080 (Asus Turbo;nothing too fancy) and I am planning on coupling this build with a 4K TV. This build is primarily for professional work (video editing, graphic design etc) but I am also an avid gamer. I am willing to match the prices on any of the 3 although I'd prefer the best value for performance.
Any suggestions/ recommendations will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
if you are already planning on coupling a 4K TV then the PG27AQ is out of the question.
the choice between PG279Q and X24 (first world problems) pretty much comes to what you want from it.
1) there is a $400 difference between them. value performance ASUS wins
2) screen real-state for graphic design/video editing Acer obviously wins.
3) viewing 16:9 video content on an ultra-wide gives you black sidebars, ASUS wins
4) game immersion, this could be arguable but I'd imagine the Acer wins with a wider FOV (although its not my cup of tea)
5) the looks, this is totally up to you since both are great looking beasts and to each their own. both are IPS panel and I would recommend reading about BLB on ultra-wide IPS screens since the ASUS seems to be affected by this already.

Excellently put.