1440p 60hz or 144hz 1080p


Aug 15, 2015
I need a new monitor and I dont really know what to get, a 1440p 60hz or a 144hz 1080p. I mostly play Pubg, cs, overwatch, league of legends, cod, and I know that a 144hz would be good for those games but I do also like to play games that arent fast paced like those, such as far cry and bioshock and assassinds creed, and for those games a 1440p would make it look more stunning instead.

My system specs are:
16gb ram
gtx 1070 FE

Im not sure if my system can handle 1440p though...

And I also dont have the budget for a G sync screen if i get a 144hz one.

Ive been looking at this monitor https://www.msi.com/Monitor/Optix-G24C

I would say go with 1080p. This is simply because the higher refresh rate would be noticeable in games, and with that 1070, you wouldn't have to worry about tearing. VSync gets bumped up to 144fps instead of 60, allowing for less framerate lag during gaming. Your system can handle 1440p for sure. In the end its preference. Your system would do good for both monitors and it kind of comes down to what you would like. Do you prefer gaming with a larger monitor or a smaller? Im running a similar system, i5 4690, 16gb ddr3 1600mhz and a gtx 1070 and i like the experience not that i could afford a 1440 monitor.

I would prefer a 24inch monitor since thats what im used to anyways, dont know if that counts as a large or small one

Oh my bad, my brain wasn't working with the whole 1440 monitors being bigger. I run a 1080p 23.6 inch monitor. Is the 24 inch monitor you're talking about 1440p or 1080p?

Ive linked it in my post