1440p 780ti, 780 OC, R9 290x, r90?


Nov 16, 2009
I'm wondering which is best solution?

I recently bought QNIX 1440p 120hz monitor...Also bought MSI r9 290x twin froz. I can't push the memory very much at all. Can get about 150 mhz more out of the clock.

I typically like AMD a lot for the value, but this time I paid ~$720 and that's same costs as 780 ti...

Only thing I do like about the card is higher memory interface at 512 bit and 4GB Vram..

I'm getting strange blue lines on r9 290x. I'm thinking of returning and getting 780ti, only thing crossing my mind is the 3GB vram do i really need that for 1440p?

Also considering may just 780, oc it, SLI later.

I have an older rig, still using i7 920. Works great planning to upgrade to broadwell.

the blue lines are something to do with your overclocks, leave the memory clocks the same and just raise the core speed.

I know if I ran too high a memory speed i would have weird issues.

also for 1440p 3gb is probably needed, I run 1440p as well

also the blue lines could be even pixel relate on your monitor, has it always done that?

The blue lines were there after failed overclock, but on default clock settings. There were not there previously even though the monitor is overclocked from 60hz to 120 hz i havent had issues with monitor doing strange things.

i can crank the core clock to 1145 stable. if i set the core clock in msi afterburner up to the max +100mV it crashes, doesn't matter what the clock is. memory voltage is disabled on this card. there is aux voltage but anytime i have messed with that system crashes so i leave it alone...

i thought i would be able to clock the memory higher than stock 1250. Even at 1300 i start having issues...Maybe it just doesn't overclock well on my card? do i really need it to..would i see a lot of difference?

Big thought running through my mine is this card equal to gtx 780ti at the same price? All the benches of overclocked 780ti show it beating 290x. Also for 1440p is the 4GB really necessary or would 3 GB be enough? i'm trying to determine if i should return the 290x and get the gtx 780ti. Mantle is cool but it's not here...

Sorry for the all the information..thanks for the help.

3gb is enough, the 780ti in most cases will overclock a hair higher but the performance difference is so small its not worth returning. my monitor at 120hz has weird issues, so I just run it at 96 hz, most of my games run at 96 or a hair higher so to me thats fine. memory increases dont really help a whole lot. I run mine 50mhz over the 1500 clock and I havent noticed any difference,going from 1000/1050 to 1150 is where I saw the most gain.

remember to set your power control to +10 to +20, it does help
I did have power level set to +50 just while trying to overclock so it would pull as much power as needed when it needed it. I've ordered gtx 780ti, just didn't want to fool with 290x anymore...first time going team green since earlier 2000s. I'll let you know the differences I see.