1440p monitor + gtx970 1 or 2?

That depends on the game, i would say most games are not going to be able to keep a steady 60fps with one 970 at maxed settings at 1440p but other less demanding games probably can. So if your dead set on playing on ultra in every game at a good frame rate you are going to need two 970s.
That depends on the game, i would say most games are not going to be able to keep a steady 60fps with one 970 at maxed settings at 1440p but other less demanding games probably can. So if your dead set on playing on ultra in every game at a good frame rate you are going to need two 970s.

I like to play all new games in ultra this card is awesome with farcry 4 etc. and I want to play the new starwars max at 1440p so ill get another gtx 970 :)