1440p on 1060 6gb?

ok so I am currently running an i7 4770 with a msi gtx 1060 6gb at 1080p 60fps all day ultra settings, no problem. so here's my question, I am going to a 7700k and i want to game at 1440p at least at 60 frames, thats all i need. I currently cant do that without a new monitor but that is an upgrade that will obviously come. will I be able to, is what i want to know with the cpu swap and the 1060 6gb? going from i7 4770/1060 to 7700k/1060, capable? with 16gb of ddr4

is a new gpu in my future? again......

ps. not swapping just the cpu.motherboard as well for those of you asking.

It depends on what your target is. Is you want to play high settings at 1440p, you wont hit 60fps with the 1060 6gb. If you want the eye candy and the 60fps at 1440p, then you have to go with a 1070 or higher. As for 4k, in my opinion the 1080 is not a 4k card. It is a very good card, but you wont be hitting 60 fps in high settings. The 1080ti is the...


Spend the money on the monitor and see how it goes. Only about a 15-20% increase in raw performance from Haswell to Kabylake, that doesn't translate directly to gaming performance.

Worst case you have a nicer monitor and your older and less demanding games will look great. And as Invalid Error says, with some settings compromises, you can get most things to run with a GTX1060 6GB.

If you are after high refresh rate performance at QHD, then yes, a new GPU is in your near future.
FYI I ran a single GTX 970 (overclocked to 980 performance) with my 1440p monitor for some time a few years ago before upgrading to 970 SLI and eventually a 1080 Ti. Most games with that single 970 I could V-sync lock the monitor at 60Hz and be fine. These were older games though easier on the GPU like GTA V, Dirt Rally, Project Cars 1, and Star Wars Battlefront 1.

Other titles like say the Far Cry series are heavy hitters on the GPU at 1440p plus. So it really boils down to what games you play and plan on playing. The just-released Far Cry 5 for example at 1440p with your GPU paired with an overclocked 4.2GHz X99 i7 chip gets 45-50 FPS:

There's no point in upgrading your 4770 to a 7700k when you're only using a GTX 1060, this is a very expensive exercise as you'll also need to replace your motherboard and RAM.

Get the monitor first and see how you get on. If you're not happy with how much you need to turn the settings down, then look at your upgrade options....I'd be looking to upgrade the graphics card before the CPU as frame rates are GPU limited on higher resolutions and CPU limited on lower resolutions.
As you move up in resolution, the CPU becomes less important as it moves the bottleneck to the GPU. At 1440p, you will probably get the same fps with the 4770 as you would a 7700k. At 1080p the 7700k would have about a 5-10% bump. At 4k, they would be dead even. Because all the bottleneck is the GPU.

What you should do is keep the 4770 and go get a 1070. Then you will be able to game wonderfully at 1440p and it will cost you the same amount of money.
Thanks for the responses, I now realize I worded my OP wrong by bringing up the cpu in the first place, I am upgrading cpu regardless. I should have asked if the 1060 the gb is a 1440p at 60fps card with modern AAA games. Obviously the updated cpu will help, Im wondering if I should skip 1440p altogether and just get a 1080 and go 4k. This computer stuff is a sickness. ...


Mar 14, 2018

Really stretching the truth there. It is basically a statement of faith or religious dogma. And if we walk fast enough, we can walk on water to too like Jesus.




Not really, I've played 5760x1080 on a HD5770, that's 75% of 4k on pixel count on a card less than half as powerful with one quarter as much VRAM. Sure, I had to set all details to low due to being horribly short on VRAM but it was somewhat playable at ~30fps in somewhat recent games like Tomb Raider.

As I wrote earlier, it ultimately all depends on how much detail you are willing to sacrifice. In my case, it would be little to no sacrifice since I can't be bothered with differences that don't affect gameplay as most of the extra details get lost in motion blur between the pixel and eye response times anyway.

It depends on what your target is. Is you want to play high settings at 1440p, you wont hit 60fps with the 1060 6gb. If you want the eye candy and the 60fps at 1440p, then you have to go with a 1070 or higher. As for 4k, in my opinion the 1080 is not a 4k card. It is a very good card, but you wont be hitting 60 fps in high settings. The 1080ti is the first true 4k card as it will manager 60fps in any reasonably optimized game at 4k