144hz 1080p for gtx 1070?

Hello people of the internet,

So I have ordered myself a Gtx 1070 FE. I currently have a 22' 1080p 60 hz screen, but now with my gtx 1070 coming I would like to have a better one.
I have one that i'm interested in, this one.. Acer GN246HLBbid. (is it any good?)

My question is will my 1070+i7 4790+16gb ram be able to push this screen? games I will be playing battlefield 4, battlefield 1, battlefront, ark survival, far cry primal etc..

and another question is when I was playing on my current screen with my r9 380 and I was getting 60fps, then it dropped to let say 55 fps, I always get microstuttering, which I really hate.
If I play at 100fps and it drop to 90 will I get microstutter again? or will I not notice it due the high fps?

I've got a 390x and and set my monitor to 100hz/1080, most games can get pretty close to max and hold 100fps, so I think a 1070 should be able to do about the same at 144hz.

Unless you need the hz/fps, you can also consider a 1440 screen.
I prefer smoother fps over quality, especially since 1080p on ultra settings is more than enough which the 1070 is capable of.
But do you know if I get microstutter it if I play at 144 fps and it drops to 120fps for example, cause I do get it when I play at 60 and it drops to 55 for a second.
Not sure why you get that stutter, you'll need to do some digging.
Sounds like something is causing your system to essentially pause for a moment. Whatever is causing this won't necessarily be solved by getting a new card.
hmm, I think it would've been the r9 380 I had, but it's sold now, I am currently playing with my HD4600 till I get my 1070.. which does the job at 720p actually and there I get not stutters at 60 fps. But I just wonder if I would notice it if it drops from 144fps 120fps.

I use a 1080 to drive a 144hz 1440p monitor. The 1070 is pretty much perfect for 1080p at 144hz gameplay. The 1070 is very fast at 1080p and the 1080 only reallly pulls away at higher resolutions so it also future proofed to some extent as long as you are not planning to go 1440p or 4K.

Hope this helps.

The next couple of years I will be playing at 1080p with the gtx 1070 so that should be fine. I guess for the next 2 years the gtx 1070 will run everthing at ultra 60+fps, and after that I don't mind lowering setting to medium/high to maintain 60+fps.