144hz 1440p vs. 60hz 4K


Sep 28, 2016
Hello everyone! I'm looking to upgrade my GPA and monitor and having a hard time deciding between two monitors. There is the Acer XB271HU and then the XB321HK. The XB271HU is a 27 inch with 144hz refresh rate and a 1440p resolution, while the XB321HK is a 32 inch with 60hz refresh rate and a 4K resolution. Both of these are G-Sync and IPS. As far as refresh rate, I only play Overwatch competitively but I assume 60hz is going to be a big change. I'm going more towards having a stunning image when I'm playing The Witcher 3, Rise of the Tomb Raiders, etc.
Personally I would get the 144hz 1440p panel regardless of which games you play especially if your system is capable of getting high fps at 1440p. Both are going to have a stunning image, but if you can get 100fps or more in every game the 1440p panel is going to be stunning and very smooth. And the 1440p panel is much cheaper, it wouldn't even be a choice for me I would choose the 1440p panel without hesitation.
If you're looking to play at a high level I'd get the 144hz, but if you play more casually then 60Hz should be fine for overwatch. 1440p is still a really nice resolution, but you're gonna need at least a single gtx 1080 to get the framerates you want on these monitors at ultra settings. If you're willing to settle for medium-high at 4k or 144hz 1440p then a 1070 is probably fine.
Personally I would get the 144hz 1440p panel regardless of which games you play especially if your system is capable of getting high fps at 1440p. Both are going to have a stunning image, but if you can get 100fps or more in every game the 1440p panel is going to be stunning and very smooth. And the 1440p panel is much cheaper, it wouldn't even be a choice for me I would choose the 1440p panel without hesitation.
If you're looking to play at a high level I'd get the 144hz, but if you play more casually then 60Hz should be fine for overwatch. 1440p is still a really nice resolution, but you're gonna need at least a single gtx 1080 to get the framerates you want on these monitors at ultra settings. If you're willing to settle for medium-high at 4k or 144hz 1440p then a 1070 is probably fine.

I was considering a 1070/1080 for 1440p but with 4K I really want to get the most with the money I'd be putting into it for high settings on graphics so I would assume a 1080 or even a Titan XP, or is it too extreme?
Well the titan x pascel is probably not what I would get if you are trying to make the most out of your money. It performs around 35% better than the 1080 for 100% of the price, doesn't really make sense to me if you're considering price to perfomance. But it is one of the only single cards that is going to do 4k 60fps ultra in pretty much all all games, all the more reason to just get the 1440p panel in my opinion.
Personally I would get the 144hz 1440p panel regardless of which games you play especially if your system is capable of getting high fps at 1440p. Both are going to have a stunning image, but if you can get 100fps or more in every game the 1440p panel is going to be stunning and very smooth. And the 1440p panel is much cheaper, it wouldn't even be a choice for me I would choose the 1440p panel without hesitation.
The plus for me with the XB321 is that it is a 32 inch screen which I feel is better for 4K compared to the small 4k monitors. So, is 27 inches a good size screen for the 1440p resolution. Also, what GPU would be good for high/ultra settings with 1440p?
I don't play Overwatch but I do have Witcher 3 and both Tomb Raiders along with Metro's, Shadow Of Mordor, all Crysis, Batman's, GTA V and a few dozen others. You can see in my specs that I have similar displays to what your looking at but my LG 4k doesn't have G-Sync while the Asus 1440p does(but this Asus is 1ms response and something like 93%SRGB and 68%Adobe).

If you go 4k: Make sure it has 10bit color, 99+% Adobe RGB/SRGB. I saw that the XB321HK is 100SRGB and 73 Adobe. I know most will use SRGB for gaming but to me things look more realistic in Adobe. In either case believe me its worth it as Witcher 3 and most modern games will look stunning. You may have to occasionally check CP to make sure it hasn't switched back to 6 or 8 bit(looks washed out/less vibrant). 10bit really makes colors pop. The downside is I can honestly tell you that you're going to need 2 1080's or Titan to hold those 60fps. 2 1070's will come pretty close though. I don't recommend using anything with less than 8GB vram(6 will do it but its very close and 4 or less will have stutter issues-even non-sli).

1440P: That XB271HK is perfect. Asus/Acer have a few variations of a couple of panels that they use under many different models. They all pretty much rock. With 1440p demands are much more forgiving for hardware. Single high end GPU's will do fine and dual mid ranges will also work. 144+hz gaming is really about fluid fast moving candy. It still looks pretty just not as much as 4k. If your on a budget I recommend this path while the whole 4k thing continues to drop in prices(both the GPU's and displays). Just about any fast 4-6-8GB card(s) can rock it. I had 2 OC970's that held 70-90fps with this and the 1080's are 100-150hz.


27 inches is the size I see most widely recommended for 1440p, its a good median between size and PPI. I would say a gtx 1080 if you want to make the most of that 144hz refresh rate, but a 1070 would likly be plenty for the majority of games.
If you go 4k: Make sure it has 10bit color, 99+% Adobe RGB/SRGB. I saw that the XB321HK is 100SRGB and 73 Adobe. I know most will use SRGB for gaming but to me things look more realistic in Adobe. In either case believe me its worth it as Witcher 3 and most modern games will look stunning. You may have to occasionally check CP to make sure it hasn't switched back to 6 or 8 bit(looks washed out/less vibrant). 10bit really makes colors pop. The downside is I can honestly tell you that you're going to need 2 1080's or Titan to hold those 60fps. 2 1070's will come pretty close though. I don't recommend using anything with less than 8GB vram(6 will do it but its very close and 4 or less will have stutter issues-even non-sli).
Thanks! I didn't know about that. Could you recommend any 4K monitors with 10bit color?

How much money do you want to expend?

For 1440p anything under a Gtx1080 is not going to give you 144fps and for 4K you will need a FuryX or better to get 60fps.

That playing at ultra ofc, but i dont see the point to purchase a better monitor to dial down the quality settings.



How much money do you want to expend?

For 1440p anything under a Gtx1080 is not going to give you 144fps and for 4K you will need a FuryX or better to get 60fps.

That playing at ultra ofc, but i dont see the point to purchase a better monitor to dial down the quality settings.
With 1440p, I was thinking 1070 or 1080. If I go 4K, probably SLI 1080.

And then cry because you don't have a Quadro card xD, for gamming i dont think that the 10bit is the way to go.
The Gtx 1080 have severe limitations in the way that it could output 10bit colour mode, only a handfull of games could do it (im have read about GRID 2, GRID Autosport, Alien: Isolation) but most and the desktop is limited to 8bit.

Then deppend on the amount of money do yo want to expend.
1440p you are talking about 1500 euros (1080 + monitor)
4K, well, you will need the 1500 euros only for the SLI (not to talk of games that dont work properly with SLI..)

My choice would be 1440p on a 34' ultrawide monitor (3440x1440 vs 2560x1440) that is still only half the pixels of a true 4K with a single Gtx1080, mainly because its half the money of a true 4K setup with SLI and because i want to avoid all the issues with SLI.


Price wise for the estimates is pretty spot on.

10bit support is gaining everyday and I can see a difference on just about any game I got in 2016. Sure the older games only look slightly better but Witcher 3, Alien Isolation, ROTTR, Shadow of Mordor, GTA V all look amazing. I don't know which ones specifically got support just that anyone I show them to is in awe. Regardless of present support, I feel that 4k loses potential w/o 10bit. There's not a moment when I look at another screen that I can't see the difference.

The 1080's SLI I'm using average 60-80fps with everything but AA and V-sync on with this non G-Sync LG. With V-Sync on it holds at 60 and with AA maxed it goes to 40-60. If you go 4k, definitely stick with a G-Sync. It'll cost more but with that many pixels screen tearing can look pretty bad.

SLI support. Some get it 1st day. Most within a month. Some never. There's also a learning curve. Good to learn about SLI bits and the sites that help customize them.

As far as recommending a 4k, well I like my LG(it was known for a weird sound popping issue but I don't use the sound) and they've made a few newer ones. I'm kind of a Asus/Acer fanboy so I'd bet they have something good to offer. These kinds of displays are still in an infancy and 2017 looks to be a better year for them. 31"-34" is generally a good target size. Right now there aren't any real 100+hz options available may not be till fall 2017. . .everyone's still using DP1.2.

If you want to be on a budget and wait it out than a 1440p/144+hz is the way to go. I agree that 27" is the usual standard(I've got this one and a 120hz/1080p) and they just 'feel' right although sometimes I would like it to be a bit bigger with the 1440p. These also has the most support from the industry right now.

For a little more money I also agree about the 34" UW 1440p's that are out now. They look awesome. Honestly with a single 1080 you'd be in a position to wait it out and enjoy now. It'll probably hold around 60-80fps, maybe a little more and if your system allows just SLI later for 4k. Just as 4k/10bit may not have full support right now, dev's are still adding 21:9 to their engines. Most have it and its gaining support every day.

If I didn't have what I have now then I'd probably go with the 34 UW, still worth seeing if any of them have 10bit support since the bigger the screen the more you will notice colors.