juanrdp :
PanicPaladins :
With 1440p, I was thinking 1070 or 1080. If I go 4K, probably SLI 1080.
Then deppend on the amount of money do yo want to expend.
1440p you are talking about 1500 euros (1080 + monitor)
4K, well, you will need the 1500 euros only for the SLI (not to talk of games that dont work properly with SLI..)
My choice would be 1440p on a 34' ultrawide monitor (3440x1440 vs 2560x1440) that is still only half the pixels of a true 4K with a single Gtx1080, mainly because its half the money of a true 4K setup with SLI and because i want to avoid all the issues with SLI.
Price wise for the estimates is pretty spot on.
10bit support is gaining everyday and I can see a difference on just about any game I got in 2016. Sure the older games only look slightly better but Witcher 3, Alien Isolation, ROTTR, Shadow of Mordor, GTA V all look amazing. I don't know which ones specifically got support just that anyone I show them to is in awe. Regardless of present support, I feel that 4k loses potential w/o 10bit. There's not a moment when I look at another screen that I can't see the difference.
The 1080's SLI I'm using average 60-80fps with everything but AA and V-sync on with this non G-Sync LG. With V-Sync on it holds at 60 and with AA maxed it goes to 40-60. If you go 4k, definitely stick with a G-Sync. It'll cost more but with that many pixels screen tearing can look pretty bad.
SLI support. Some get it 1st day. Most within a month. Some never. There's also a learning curve. Good to learn about SLI bits and the sites that help customize them.
As far as recommending a 4k, well I like my LG(it was known for a weird sound popping issue but I don't use the sound) and they've made a few newer ones. I'm kind of a Asus/Acer fanboy so I'd bet they have something good to offer. These kinds of displays are still in an infancy and 2017 looks to be a better year for them. 31"-34" is generally a good target size. Right now there aren't any real 100+hz options available may not be till fall 2017. . .everyone's still using DP1.2.
If you want to be on a budget and wait it out than a 1440p/144+hz is the way to go. I agree that 27" is the usual standard(I've got this one and a 120hz/1080p) and they just 'feel' right although sometimes I would like it to be a bit bigger with the 1440p. These also has the most support from the industry right now.
For a little more money I also agree about the 34" UW 1440p's that are out now. They look awesome. Honestly with a single 1080 you'd be in a position to wait it out and enjoy now. It'll probably hold around 60-80fps, maybe a little more and if your system allows just SLI later for 4k. Just as 4k/10bit may not have full support right now, dev's are still adding 21:9 to their engines. Most have it and its gaining support every day.
If I didn't have what I have now then I'd probably go with the 34 UW, still worth seeing if any of them have 10bit support since the bigger the screen the more you will notice colors.