144HZ + 60hz Dual display only giving 60hz?


Jul 26, 2013
I'm using a GTX 970, and I'm using the two DVI slots on it.

When I have my BenQ XL2411z plugged in and I run the blurbusters alien test, it gives my the fps for 144, 60, and 30. When I use my old monitor (LG flatron E2210 60hz), it only gives me 60 and 30fps, which leads me to believe that the monitor switches over to 60hz because I've got another 60Hz monitor attached.
When I go into Nvidias control panel, the BenQ switches to a "Native" 1920x1080 60hz, and wont let me change it to my profile with 144hz.
From what I've read, other people haven't had this problem when equipping a second monitor with a lower refresh rate.

I somehow fixed it. I had to go into BIOS and turn on something called "igpu multi-monitor or something. I plugged my 60hz monitor into my motherboard and tired it out. At first it was the same result (BenQ wqas still at 60hz, but then when I went into nvidias control panel and switched it to my custom profile, it stayed at 140hz. (= Hopefully this thread may help someone else if they run into this problem

Nope, same browser window. The problem remains that the monitor defaults to 60hz on the BenQ when both are plugged in. Currently I'm sticking to just the one monitor for now until I can get this figured out.