Question 144Hz Monitor Help

Jun 25, 2019
I'm making a new gaming build, and I want to accompany it with a good 144Hz monitor. It's a bang for your buck PC, so I want a good monitor that's not gonna blow the budget too much. Are there any really good 144Hz gaming monitors for under $300? I've been looking around on Amazon and while they look good for the price, there are a lot of bad reviews so I don't know which is the right one to go with. Any tips are welcome, thanks!
I wouldn't take customer reviews to heart, some people don't really know what there talking about.

PCPartPicker Part List

Monitor: MSI - Optix MAG241C 23.6" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor ($197.99 @ Walmart)
Total: $197.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-06-28 12:45 EDT-0400


If your connecting this with a Nvidia GPU then you can still utilize Freesync by following these directions.,6072.html