144hz monitor randomly starts looking choppy


Oct 3, 2014
Hello there,

I recently bought a 144hz monitor: http://www.amazon.com/LG-Electronics-24GM77-24-Inch-LED-Lit/dp/B00P0EOX1S/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1429480648&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=lg+144hz

Now I can definitely tell the difference between a 144hz and a 60hz monitor, but randomly at times the monitor, even though I am far above 144fps, I start getting insane choppy movements. I mainly play bf4, csgo, and sometimes I play minecraft. It's in csgo and minecraft I notice it most of the times, which is not all the time I spend gaming but I just want to be able to play consistently. If needed I can record myself playing but right now that would be too much effort as my internet is currently down (I'm typing on cellphone). If anyone has had this problem before and got it fixed please help, thanks!

Sorry, sometimes I can't tell if I put enough or too little/too much information when I post so if you need more info just tell me, ill try to respond.


gtx 970 sli (I only use sli mode for games like bf4 and that support it) and a i7 4790k at 4.6ghz not good enough? It was working fine on my 60hz monitor. (Ik i forgot to tell this in the main post sorry)

its not about good enough or not does it have same issues while not in games like a movie or something ?? monitor only displays what it is told by graphics card so my assumption its your hardware.


Sorry for the late reply,

When I watch movies/browse the internet it is just fine, it is only in select games that I told you about that I get weird choppy movements. Also, it was fine at 60hz so I don't know what happened.

Yeah I did. For me it was a faulty cpu that consistently had high temps from the start even when I changed the thermal compound multiple times. So when I got a replacement for the cpu, I noticed my temps went down. Now it is working fine and has been for around 3 months now.