144hz Monitor with lower cpu


Mar 24, 2016
Hello, can someone help me please?
I am wondering is there is any problem (screen tearing, stutter, etc..) if i use 144hz with a cpu that can not possibly run up to 144fps ? If there is any possible problem, can v sync deal with that ?

All I know is that, screen tearing will occur when using 60hz monitor with a cpu that can produce more than 60fps. Turing on v sync can help but sometimes, stutter might happen on the monitor.
Nah, there won't be stutter but you will be stuck on 60fps which doesn't feel nice, also there will be input lag, tha'ts why it's still better to run on 144hz.

Thank you, but if i use 60hz monitor, v sync on and guarantee that my gpu will always run faster than 60 fps, will stuttering occur ?