144hz monitors good?


Jul 31, 2014
will it be bad if i got a 144hz monitor but couldnt get 144fps on all my games? some of my games run at like 40-90fps others run at like 150+fps

Cool, I play similar games. Right then, now you can either go with a 120Hz monitor (slightly cheaper) and you will still see 120 fps or you can go with a 144Hz monitor (more expensive) and you can see 140+ fps. So the main question is do you see more than 120 fps on most of your games?
It wouldn't be too bad as long as you don't get too much lag. For example, your fps was at 90 then suddenly it goes down to 20. That would look bad. If you can get over 60 fps on games but under 140 fps, buy a 120Hz monitor. If you can get over 120 fps on games buy a 144Hz monitor.

144Hz monitors cost a lot of money and if you cannot get a decent fps there's no point wasting your money.

What types of games are you playing? If you play fps games this will make them feel so smooth if you get over 60 fps.

CSGO, H1Z1, GTA V ect........ games like that

Cool, I play similar games. Right then, now you can either go with a 120Hz monitor (slightly cheaper) and you will still see 120 fps or you can go with a 144Hz monitor (more expensive) and you can see 140+ fps. So the main question is do you see more than 120 fps on most of your games?

CSGO easily get over 144fps but H1Z1 and GTA V its more like 40fps in some places (main cities) but outside the main cities i can get like 70-100fps
Ok I would go with a 120Hz monitor then, until you can get more games running at over 120fps. You could buy a 144Hz monitor if you want but for it to be worth while you need more games at that frame rate.

Hope I have helped, but overall it's your money and your decision.