S Sir Milo Gaming Reputable Aug 1, 2014 50 0 4,630 Aug 16, 2014 #1 does Ips do much for gaming that would want me to get that over more refresh rate http://pcpartpicker.com/user/smilo850/saved/LzzFf7
does Ips do much for gaming that would want me to get that over more refresh rate http://pcpartpicker.com/user/smilo850/saved/LzzFf7
masmotors Distinguished Dec 9, 2011 501 0 19,010 Aug 16, 2014 #2 i would get that if you had the cash if not get a a 60hz 1080p but im on that and would like a that monitore Upvote 0 Downvote
i would get that if you had the cash if not get a a 60hz 1080p but im on that and would like a that monitore
I i7Baby Titan BANNED Jul 25, 2012 44,080 2 106,960 Aug 16, 2014 #3 The 780Ti can drive a lot of game to over 144 fps. But I don't really bother from 60 to 144Hz - can't see the difference. IPS is good for seeing at angles. But I sit front on to my panel. But some say the picture is better than a TN panel. What about a 27 in 1440p instead? Upvote 0 Downvote
The 780Ti can drive a lot of game to over 144 fps. But I don't really bother from 60 to 144Hz - can't see the difference. IPS is good for seeing at angles. But I sit front on to my panel. But some say the picture is better than a TN panel. What about a 27 in 1440p instead?