144hz vs. 1440p


Jun 9, 2016
I have a gtx 1080 and an i5-4670k with 16gb of ram. I was wondering if I should get a 144hz 1080p monitor or a 1440p 60hz monitor. I was leaning more towards 1080p 144hz because I usually play fps games such as Overwatch, Battlefield 1 and am really excited for Destiny 2. I searched it up and found that most people recommend 144hz for avid fps fans and from VR HTC Vive experience can most definitely tell the difference between 60hz and 90hz. Do you think I should get 144hz and if so which monitor do you reccomend? If you read this thread fully, thank you for your time!
Definitely go with anything 144 Hz. If you can afford a GTX 1080, you gotta be willing to throw down for a monitor too!! Do some research. If you can't afford a 1440p @ 144 Hz, grab the a 1080p @ 144 Hz. Look into super-sampling for some of the games you're into and see if that's an option you want to pursue should you settle for a 1080p monitor. On a final note, make sure you look at the response time (gray to gray) in your monitor. Not only is the refresh rate important for a smooth gaming experience, but the ability for the monitor to quickly change colors without 'ghosting' is as well.

***Further note: people will swear by IPS monitors, but the response time may not be as good as your run-of-the-mill TN. IPS monitors cost more and...

Why not a 1440p 144 Hz Monitor? Out of the budget? You certainly have a Graphics Card capable of holding most the aforementioned games with both the higher resolution and refresh rate. To be honest your GTX 1080 is overkill for 1080p 144 Hz and 1440p 60 Hz, that is more GTX 1070 territory. Hope this helps :)
Definitely go with anything 144 Hz. If you can afford a GTX 1080, you gotta be willing to throw down for a monitor too!! Do some research. If you can't afford a 1440p @ 144 Hz, grab the a 1080p @ 144 Hz. Look into super-sampling for some of the games you're into and see if that's an option you want to pursue should you settle for a 1080p monitor. On a final note, make sure you look at the response time (gray to gray) in your monitor. Not only is the refresh rate important for a smooth gaming experience, but the ability for the monitor to quickly change colors without 'ghosting' is as well.

***Further note: people will swear by IPS monitors, but the response time may not be as good as your run-of-the-mill TN. IPS monitors cost more and are namely popular because of their wider viewing angles. If you're staring straight at the screen pew pewing your gun, a TN monitor will do just fine.

(btw I'm 14 but just am just really spoiled) I currently only have 125 dollars in my bank account, do you think I should wait it out and save up for a 1440p 144hz monitor or should I buy one sooner, my birthday is December 10th so I have a while before I will actually have the money to pay for one.

It's up to you. I would recommend waiting since you get a better monitor in the long run but it's your money and choice to impulse buy a good monitor now or wait longer but get a great monitor in the future.

Absolutely true. One of the benefits and flaws of technology is that it's ever changing at a rapid rate. I have three 1080p monitors and I am looking to upgrade; about a year ago I was quite happy with that purchase. This being said, I have a GTX 1080 and I am waiting on the aftermarket TIs to become available (specifically the Strix or the FTW3, whichever is first). As far as monitors go, I'm waiting on a legitimate 4k design with the refresh rate of 144Hz and low response time. I haven't seen anything that's met those specifications to date, so each month I put away in my rainy day monitor fund for when that happens.

Do you think I should wait for black friday or some deal before purchasing a monitor?
In this order: 1080p < 1440p < 4k < 1080p 144hz < 1440p 144hz < 4k 144hz (Later this year).
Save your money accordingly. I have a 1440p 144hz, my next monitor will be the 4k 144hz from Asus.

If you're a casual gamer, the above statement is true. However, if you're a competitive online player, you're going to want to spend the extra $$$ on response time.

I don't personally know that monitor, but a quick glance and that's pretty snazzy for the price.
Here's a good read: http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/acer_xg270hu.htm
It's a TN, so that site even shows it at an angle, though you probably will never game at an angle so you probably won't care. It's a smidge slower response then other monitors, but your also talking $300 cheaper then other monitors. (For something even the most cracked out eyeballs won't notice).

While your buying something like that, this has AMD Freesync, others have Gsync. I don't like either. You can just leave it off in the settings. Just my opinion/experience.

I would say on a wim say this monitor would be good for the price. (Though others might know of a better deal).

These sites are good reads for monitors:
http://www.hdtvtest.co.uk/news/input-lag (This one's dated but it's a good read)
Honestly, with a really fast GPU and high refresh rate monitor I don't notice much screen tearing. Eluding to what Clovis said, I don't think shelling out extra $$ for G-Sync (NVidia) or Free Sync (AMD) is worth it. Even more so is the fact that those monitors are locked to specific brands of GPUs. If you started with the green team (NVidia) and changed to the red team (AMD) later, you'd essentially have to buy a new monitor to take advantage of the proprietary hard/software. Best bet is to sit on your money for awhile and do a bit more research on 144 Hz/1 ms monitors. Read the reviews. Visit multiple vendor sites. Patrol the forums of other places besides Tom's Hardware. Nothing (to me) is more rewarding than finding that bargain deal on hardware by doing a lot of due diligence. Learn from other people's misfortunes as well as discoveries. Building a computer for me has always been an ongoing journey. It's never about the end product, but the path you take to get there! 😀

That's exactly what I'm doing ;D