15-4690k (devils canyon)


Aug 28, 2013
Hey guys!! im going to be upgrading my computer very soon (hopefully with in the next week) and was wondering if the i5-4690k would fit into the Asus z97-HD3 (bit.ly/1nQFj3D) and, would it run Dayz (standalone), arma 3 on decent detail with steady frames along with the AMD R9 280x.
(i already have the R9 280x XFX 3gb) and would it be worth the extra cash for it? i was originally going for the i5-4670k.

my current build that i have is:

GPU: AMD R9 280x
CPU: AMD FX 6100 (upgrading)
MOBO: Gigabyte 970a DS3 (upgrading)
RAM: 8gb (standard ram, 1333mhz)

If you want to go with the Xeon, you would not be disappointed. Good luck with the installation! Just remember, that Xeon still has the original Haswell heat issues, but nothing the stock cooler couldn't handle. Make sure all of your parts are compatible with that CPU. It is still LGA1150, so no change there, and I do believe it still supports the Desktop RAM.
The i5-4690K and i5-4670K 's only difference is the clock speed. They fit in the same LGA 1150 socket. So, yes, your motherboard is compatible with it.

As for the R9 280x, it should run DayZ very well at its highest settings on 1920 x 1080. I bought DayZ recently and my R9 270x runs it at max, but I have to turn down AA. Most lag is from the server. This games is a lot more frustrating than QWOP.

hahah, yeah dayz random lags can annoy the life outta me, but do you think it would be worth spending an extra £30 on the 4690k, rather than the 4670k?

ive been told privately that the Xeon 1230v3 would be better than both, at roughly the same price as the 4690k?

so, i might just go for it!

Never Xeon for gaming. Those are built for server PCs and do not work well for gaming.

It will perform well, but it cannot be overclocked and is more built towards server operation, hence the core count. In my opinion, it is well worth it to get a 4690K because it will outperform the Xeon in many other ways. You could go Xeon if you wanted, but it is just not meant for gaming.

It's as meant for gaming as any i7 4770.

so ive been told, but ive also been told that it would kick it out of the water as it has double the threads and hyper threading?

This is what ive been told:
Yeah I would try and get a Xeon 1230v3. For just a little bit more, your file processing and video editing stuff will perform on 8 threads instead of 4, and gaming will be on the level of an i7 rather than an i5.
Really, any of these CPUs will do amazingly in your tasks, but the hyperthreading in the Xeon makes it well worth your money.

Thanks for the info man, i appreciate it. i think ill go for the Xeon tho, as it does seem better for your money, just for a couple extra £££
If you want to go with the Xeon, you would not be disappointed. Good luck with the installation! Just remember, that Xeon still has the original Haswell heat issues, but nothing the stock cooler couldn't handle. Make sure all of your parts are compatible with that CPU. It is still LGA1150, so no change there, and I do believe it still supports the Desktop RAM.