Approximate Purchase Date: tomorrow
Budget Range: $1500 before rebates
System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, word processing, web surfing
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, speakers, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: none
Overclocking: CPU yes, GPU maybe
SLI or Crossfire: possibly in the future
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: I'm hoping I can extend the life of this build by adding a 2nd gtx 580 somewhere down the road.
Here's what I'm looking at so far:
i5-2500k + PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W - $340
GIGABYTE GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 + G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB - $190
EVGA SuperClocked GTX 580 - $480
ASUS VW246H - $200
HAF 932 - $150
SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 1TB - $60
CM Hyper 212 Plus - $25
LITE-ON DVD Burner - $20
Total comes to $1,464.90 before rebates/shipping. Thanks in advance for your thoughts/input!
Budget Range: $1500 before rebates
System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, word processing, web surfing
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, speakers, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: none
Overclocking: CPU yes, GPU maybe
SLI or Crossfire: possibly in the future
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: I'm hoping I can extend the life of this build by adding a 2nd gtx 580 somewhere down the road.
Here's what I'm looking at so far:
i5-2500k + PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W - $340
GIGABYTE GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 + G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB - $190
EVGA SuperClocked GTX 580 - $480
ASUS VW246H - $200
HAF 932 - $150
SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 1TB - $60
CM Hyper 212 Plus - $25
LITE-ON DVD Burner - $20
Total comes to $1,464.90 before rebates/shipping. Thanks in advance for your thoughts/input!