1600/1866/2133 or 2400?

Nice rig, I'd go the 2400, you can handle with this easy, while it's not going to add a ton of FPS in gaming, will provide the best performance for multi-tasking, imaging, video, etc and might as well get the best you can for the money 😉
You've got 1600/9 1866/9 2133/11 and 2400/11 so effectively overall the 2400/11 is the best bet, the 2400 allows for the highest bandwidth and in realistic terms if you were to OC the the other three to get to the 2400 bandwidth point you'd prob have to run the

1600 set at CL13 - Dram at 1.7-1.75
1866 set at Cl11 or 12 DRAM at 1.7
2133 set at 12 at 1.65

so in the end 2400/11 - 1.65 is the winner - Big thing will be what CPU will you be doing this with, I ask because if not an Intel K model CPU or a AMD APU the CPU may well not be able to carry sticks at 2400
This one is the one I am building.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($199.99)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ Outlet PC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Extreme4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($104.99)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 830 Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk (Purchased For $0.00)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.98 @ Outlet PC)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card ($283.98 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT Phantom 410 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 650W 80 PLUS Gold Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($89.99)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($18.48 @ Outlet PC)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($10.00)
Nice rig, I'd go the 2400, you can handle with this easy, while it's not going to add a ton of FPS in gaming, will provide the best performance for multi-tasking, imaging, video, etc and might as well get the best you can for the money 😉
Okay, I have never really built a computer and I am using pcpartpicker atm and it says that the ram requires 1.65 volts but my CPU only supplies 1.5, will that be an issue? IDK much about configuring computers or anything like that, and I don't want to screw anything up.
Just one of the many problems w/ PartPicker, the 4670K is rated for 1333/1600 1.5 at stock settings, when you OC the CPU (which is often required for DRAM freqs from 1866 on up, the CPU voltage and MC (memory controller) voltages also go up, so the higher voltages for high freq DRAM are perfectly fine, (I like to keep to 1.5 through 1866, then 2133 and up 1.6 to 1.65 is fin, pretty much all DRAM 2133 and up is 1.6 or 1.65