1600Mhz DDR3 RAM running at 666Mhz?


Apr 16, 2011
I bought this RAM recently.

It's supposed to be a 1600Mhz RAM but I just ran 3D Mark and saw that it is running at ran at 667 Mhz. Then I downloaded CPU-Z and that shows 666 Mhz.

I went into BIOS and turned on this "XMP super mode" and now CPU-Z shows 800 which is obviously correct. However when I go on SPD it says that the Max Bandwith is 667. Is that normal?

Also, is there anything else that I need to do? I never overclock and I don't know if this is considered overclocking but there were many other options and I worry that I should have raised the volt somewhere or whatever so the RAM can work at 1600 without breaking or am I done?
I went on my MSI bios (which is pretty different) and found the Extreme RAM setting. CPU Z now shows a speed of 800 but in SPD it's still 667. I googled that many manufacturers have a wrong SPD though. I ran 3DMark and saw that it still says 667 but then I saw on google that it's wrong.

I went back and noticed that the RAM seems to run on 1.5V. Is this fine?

The SPD doesn't tell you what it's presently running at, only what preconfigured profiles are stored on the DIMM. Most of those will be JEDEC profiles that can be selected by default. One or two of them will be XMP profiles which can only be selected manually when XMP tuning is enabled. XMP profiles will not be selected by default.

If the bus frequency is 800Mhz, you're good to go.