[SOLVED] 165hz with 980ti

M05K The Laden

Mar 5, 2017
Hello, I have a 980ti with a new 165hz monitor. Im playing Cold War currently when the fps goes from 80-100+ is butter smooth but when it gets to 70fps the monitor acts like a 60hz one. If I enable VSYNC it will be butter smooth? Because I know my GPU cant go further than 165fps with the settings I have... Almost everything on the max.
Options i have: Lowering the settings on cold war, or buy a 3060/3070, but here on Portugal is all out of stock
Well since it is FPS fast paced game after all, you will require more FPS, so lower those settings.
"or buy a 3060/3070, but here on Portugal is all out of stock"
Thats everywhere, sadly