Question 1660TI Fps Problem CSGO


Apr 5, 2013
Hi, Thanks for reading

So I recently got a new GPU 1660TI and replaced my 980ti. I am not getting the FPS I should be getting. I mainly play Counter Strike GO, I only get 100 - 120 fps on 1080p High and somehow I am only getting 170 fps on 1280 x 960. I seen that it could be a bottleneck but I don't know how my cpu was pulling my 980ti with good fps and it was a bigger card. In addition to watching benchmarks on YouTube the card should be performing close or better than my old card. Any help will be appreciated.

My Specs

I7 4770k 3.5ghz
1660TI EVGA 6GB Black
16GB 1333mhz Ram
Corsair 850W RM Series
SSD Samsung EVO 250GB
HDD Seagate 1TB
144HZ BenQ monitor

Things I tried
Reinstalling Windows due to Mobo Change
Uninstalling Drivers / Reinstalling them
Changing 3D Settings to Performance
Lowering Graphical settings
Changing Power Supply
Games are limited by the cpu or gpu.
My guess is that your cpu was a limiting factor.
CSGO is apparently cpu heavy and largely single threaded.
Do not be misled if you see cpu activity on all threads.
Windows will spread the activity of the single master thread out over all available threads
If you have a Z motherboard, see if you can't overclock a bit
Games are limited by the cpu or gpu.
My guess is that your cpu was a limiting factor.
CSGO is apparently cpu heavy and largely single threaded.
Do not be misled if you see cpu activity on all threads.
Windows will spread the activity of the single master thread out over all available threads
If you have a Z motherboard, see if you can't overclock a bit

It's just I am really confused this card is similar to my 980ti in performance. It even uses less power than 980ti. It has the same FPS as 1660ti. The 980ti was never bottlenecking my cpu. Can the card be faulty?