[SOLVED] 1660ti or rtx 2060 on the asus VG248QE

Mar 29, 2019
I cant decide between a Gigabyte 1660ti or a Rtx Gigabyte 2060. For the asus VG248QE monitor.

I prefer FPS on rather play on competitive settings. (Like in fortnite you have all on low except view distance)
The monitor has 144Hz so I dont know if the 1660ti will be enough.
I am planing on building a new PC so will try out a lot of other games (Mostly BR's and shooters, and maybe some others)

Please help 🙁
What about something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor (€156.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: MSI - B450-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard (€91.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (€98.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: ADATA - XPG SX6000 Pro 256 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (€55.11 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€44.90 @ Caseking)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB XC GAMING Video Card (€357.74 @ Alza)
My budget is around 800€ for the pc and 230€ for the monitor.

My idea for a pc is:
Gpu- 2060/ 1660ti
Cpu- ryzen 2600 - 155€
Power supply - corsair cx550M 80 plus bornze - 60€
MB- MSI tomahawk B450 - 107€
Ram - ddr4 16gb vengeance -85€
And for the storage i have around 85€ ( Want a M.2 ssd and then and internal hard drive)
On the storage I dont really need help but some tips for the other parts would come in handy 😀
What about something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor (€156.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: MSI - B450-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard (€91.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (€98.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: ADATA - XPG SX6000 Pro 256 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (€55.11 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€44.90 @ Caseking)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB XC GAMING Video Card (€357.74 @ Alza)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (€79.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €885.53
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-29 21:09 CET+0100
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Reactions: icehot16
Thank you for the suggetions 😀
I appreciate your help a lot 😀
Will most defenitly look up these new sites and components. If i need your help in the future I will sebd you a message if that wont be a problem.
Thank you for the suggetions 😀
I appreciate your help a lot 😀
Will most defenitly look up these new sites and components. If i need your help in the future I will sebd you a message if that wont be a problem.

You're very welcome. No probs. Yes, of course, if you need any other help, PM me, by all means. Glad to help out. If you are happy with the suggestion, you can close the thread by selecting the most appropriate answer.

Have a good evening :)