So I recently built the comp in my signature and with a few minor issues solved I got it working. However, now when I play BF4 for a certain amount of time my comp will crash, sort of, windows performs a restart and while doing so it tells me I can search the error memory_management for more information on the issue. I did that and as a result performed the windows memory test, which showed no problems.
Also, I read a thread on here where someone had a similar issue with the ram issue in the thread title (difference was they had 1600mhz but it was read as 1333mhz). They solved it by changing DRAM Frequency in bios to 1600 and enabling X.M.P., so I have done the same. I've ran Valley benchmark with no crashes. However, I should mention that I ran Valley and 3dmark 11 prior to running BF4 for the first time and never got a crash but BF4 still crashed, so maybe it's BF4 specific? Either way, 2 questions: first, did I do the correct thing by changing my DRAM frequency in the bios from 1600 to 1866 and enabling X.M.P.? Second, any thoughts on the mem_mgmt error and crash in BF4? Thanks a lot for the help in advance. This is my first build; I read a lot but I know there are some things you just learn as you go.
Also, I read a thread on here where someone had a similar issue with the ram issue in the thread title (difference was they had 1600mhz but it was read as 1333mhz). They solved it by changing DRAM Frequency in bios to 1600 and enabling X.M.P., so I have done the same. I've ran Valley benchmark with no crashes. However, I should mention that I ran Valley and 3dmark 11 prior to running BF4 for the first time and never got a crash but BF4 still crashed, so maybe it's BF4 specific? Either way, 2 questions: first, did I do the correct thing by changing my DRAM frequency in the bios from 1600 to 1866 and enabling X.M.P.? Second, any thoughts on the mem_mgmt error and crash in BF4? Thanks a lot for the help in advance. This is my first build; I read a lot but I know there are some things you just learn as you go.